Donegal Wildlife Database - Insects - Cantharidae


Soldier Beetles are so-called because they are mostly red and black - like old soldier's uniforms. The adults are often seen on the heads of Umbellifers, but are carnivorous. Their larvae, which live on the ground are carnivorous also.

Cantharis pallida

Record from Raphoe - Mongorrey - 7th June 2004

Grid Reference C258034


A Soldier Beetle - Cantharis pallida - on Bramble - Rubus fruticosa agg.


Cantharis pellucida

Record from Raphoe - Mongorrey - 7th June 2004

Grid Reference C258034


A soldier beetle - Cantharis pellucida.

Specimen shown about 15mm long, on Bramble - Rubus fruticosa agg.



Cantharis lateralis

Record from Raphoe - Town - 7th June 2004

Grid Reference C258034


Specimen shown about 15mm long, on Cow Parsley - Anthriscus sylvestris.


Rhagonycha fulva

Record from Raphoe - Town - 12th July 2004

Grid Reference C258034


Specimen shown about 15mm long, on Yorkshire Fog - Holcus lanatus.

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