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Selected Books about
Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Winter Blues (1998)
- Seasonal
Affective Disorder: Practice and Research (2001)
- Seasonal
Affective Disorders and Phototherapy (1989)
- Canadian Consensus
Guidelines for the Treatment of Seasonal
Affective Disorder (1999)
- Don't Be Sad: Fight the
Winter Blues- Your Guide to Conquering Seasonal
Affective Disorder (1995)
- Depression
Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information
About Seasonal Affective Disorder, Unipolar
Depression, Bipolar Dis. (2002)
Light Therapy page:
- Seasonal
Affective Disorder and Beyond: Light Treatment
for Sad and Non-Sad Conditions (1998)
- Phototherapy
in Mental Health (1983)
- The
Light Book: How Natural and Artificial Light
Affect Our Health, Mood, and Behavior (1999)
by Norman E. Rosenthal
Paperback: - 355
pages; Revised edition (October 5, 1998)
Guilford Press; ISBN: 1572303956
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When days get shorter and colder, do you get gloomier? Do
you have trouble waking up? Controlling your diet?
Focusing on work and relationships? If so, you may be one
of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal
affective disorder (SAD): changes in mood and behavior
due to seasonal changes, such as feeling depressed in
winter. Rosenthal, senior researcher at the National
Institutes of Health and clinical professor of psychiatry
at Georgetown University, led the team that first
described SAD. Now in his revised and updated Winter
Blues, he describes SAD and how to overcome it. The book
includes a self-diagnosis to see how severely seasonal
changes affect you (or your child).
Rosenthal, author of St. John's Wort: The Herbal Way
to Feeling Good, brings SAD to life with profiles of
seasonal-slump sufferers. All of these people experienced
dramatic improvement with light therapy--exposure to a
special light box for 30 to 90 minutes a day. Winter
Blues tells you everything you need to know about light
boxes and other treatments, such as psychotherapy,
antidepressant medications, herbs, vitamins, and the role
of diet and exercise. Rosenthal includes many helpful
extras, such as tips for dealing with the holidays and a
sample letter requesting insurance reimbursement for a
light box. -- Joan Price
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Book Description
Completely updating and expanding his immensely popular
guide, Norman E. Rosenthal has written a veritable
survival kit for anyone who suffers from the winter blues.
This authoritative and engaging book presents the very
latest information on the many dimensions of SAD,
including the newly recognized distinctions between
various degrees of the disorder, from "winter blues"
to full-blown SAD. The book features revised chapters on
antidepressant medications and light therapy, a new
chapter on coping with SAD all year round, details on St.
John's wort and on a helpful nutritional regimen, a self-test
to help readers evaluate their own level of SAD, and a
list of SAD resources. Also discussed is the use of light
therapy in treating problems whose symptoms mirror those
of SAD, including jet lag, sleep disorders, premenstrual
syndrome, and the effects of shift work. A concluding
chapter illustrates how those with SAD can enjoy even the
darkest of seasons. (Back to Title)
Affective Disorder: Practice and
by Timo Partonen (Editor), Andres
Magnusson (Editor)
Hardcover: 328 pages -
1st edition (December 15, 2001)
Oxford University Press; ISBN:
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Book Description
Seasonal affective disorder(SAD), or winter depression,
is a mood disorder related to the change in the seasons
and lack of exposure to daylight. It affects 1 in 100
adults in western countries. SAD is a rare example of a
psychiatric disorder with a clear, identifiable
biological cause. This book presents an evidence-based
review of our understanding of SAD, focusing on clinical
aspects as well as research issues. After a short review
of the history of the condition, the first part of the
book is clinical in emphasis, covering the presentation
of the consition and its symptoms, the epidemiology, and
the various options for treatment. Part two shifts the
focus to examine research into SAD, covering the range of
hypotheses put forward to explain the cause of the
condition, and reviewing the experimental evidence for
each theory.
Affective Disorders and Phototherapy
by Norman E. Rosenthal (Editor), Mary C.
Blehar (Editor)
Hardcover: 386 pages (April
21, 1989)
Guilford Press; ISBN: 0898627419
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Consensus Guidelines for the
Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Raymond W. Lam, Anthony J. Levitt
Paperback: -160 pages
(October 22, 1999)
Clinical and Academic Publishing; ISBN:
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Book Description
Canadian Consensus Guidelines for the Treatment of
Seasonal Affective Disorder is the first comprehensive
clinical guide for the diagnosis and treatment of
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or winter depression,
a type of clinical depression that affects between 2% and
3% of the Canadian population. Drs. Raymond W. Lam and
Anthony J. Levitt, leading clinician-researchers in SAD,
organized a Canadian Consensus Group to develop consensus
guidelines for the treatment of SAD. Using a rigorous
consensus process, the members of this group reviewed the
world scientific literature and formulated evidence-based
recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of SAD.
Draft guidelines were extensively discussed, reviewed by
international experts in the field, and then ratified by
the Canadian Consensus Group. This book is the final
The consensus guidelines are organized into four major
sections: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Pathophysiology
Light Treatment Medication Treatment Management Issues
The question-and-answer format of the guidelines makes
them readily accessible to busy clinicians. Summary
tables of recommendations and conclusions allow rapid
access to the most important information. A rating of
level of scientific evidence is included after every
recommendation so that areas of controversy or limited
data are highlighted. A full bibliography of over 650
references, updated to June 1, 1999, is also included as
a resource for researchers.
These guidelines will be clinically useful to family
doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and other
health professionals who treat depression and SAD.
Researchers and students will find the concise reviews of
the literature highly informative. Knowledgeable
consumers and family members will also discover practical
information and answers to many of their questions about
the Author
Raymond W. Lam is Professor and Head of the Division of
Mood Disorders, Department of Psychiatry, University of
British Columbia, and Medical Director of the Mood
Disorders Program, UBC Hospital, Vancouver.
Anthony J. Levitt is Associate Professor in the
Departments of Psychiatry and Nutrition, University of
Toronto, and Head of the Mood Disorders Program,
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto. (Back to Title)
Be Sad: Fight the Winter Blues- Your
Guide to Conquering Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Celeste A. Peters
Paperback: 256 pages (May
Script Publishing Inc; ISBN: 1896015018
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Book Description
Don't Be Sad highlights case studies of sufferers and
details the latest treatment techniques including dawn
simulation and other forms of light therapy, medication,
diet, exercise and general lifestyle changes. It also
discusses self-assessment, defines the disorder, explains
its causes and details the symptoms. Plus, sufferers get
current listings of clinics, practitioners and support
groups for SAD.
Don't Be SAD can be a valuable guide out of the dark days
of winter if, as winter approaches you become depressed,
lose control of your appetite, crave starchy and sweet
foods, feel incredibly fatigued or unable to get enough
In Don't Be SAD you can:
Take the self test to determine if you likely have
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and, if so, to what
degree (full-blown SAD or its milder form, the winter
Discover how you can banish the winter blues and lighten
SADness in less than a week using light therapy in your
own home.
Read accounts of how others have conquered their SADness.
Benefit from useful tips on lifestyle changes, diet,
exercises, light therapy and SAD information sources.
Learn how to re-design your home or office to brighten
your mood.
About the Author
Celeste A. Peters is a respected health and science
writer. She has an M.A. in the History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology from the University of Toronto. As
a freelance writer, she has contributed to "Country
Guide Magazine", "Astronomy", and "Nature
Canada" magazine. Ms. Peters also served as science
editor for "The Winnipeg Sun". Although a
resident of Canada for more than 21 years, she was born
and raised in Los Angeles, California and professes a
deep empathy with those who crave sunshine during dark
days of winter. (Back to Title)
Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health
Information About Unipolar Depression, Bipolar Disorder,
Postpartum Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Karen Bellenir (Editor)
Hardcover - 1st
edition (October 2002)
Omnigraphics, Inc.; ISBN: 0780806115
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