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Interesting New Links

January 2002

1. Educational Sites to visit

Irish Folk Songs (added: 15-Jan-2002)
Large collection of lyrics to Irish Folk songs.

Sports Media (added: 15-Jan-2002)
Sports Media is an interactive site dedicated to providing
lesson plans, tips, drills, activities and other teaching
aids for the physical education teacher.

All about JRR Tolkien (added: 16-Jan-2002)

Official Lord of the Rings Movie site (added: 16-Jan-2002)
Contains all the info, gorgeous graphics, maps, flash-
enhanced bits and desktop images. [lordoftherings]

Beyond the Movie - Lord of the Rings (added: 16-Jan-2002)
National Geographic - Beyond the Movie - Lord of the Rings:
Discover the history, myth, and cultural forces that
inspired The Lord of the Rings and explore the parallels
between the imaginary world of Middle-earth and our own.

The Tolkien Trail (added: 16-Jan-2002)
Welcome to the Tolkien Trail, traveller! You are about to
embark upon a journey that takes you across Middle Earth, as
described in J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the
Rings. Your guide on this tour is the famed wizard Gandalf.
Along the way, you will encounter games, fan fiction, music,
original artwork, the popular Entmoot discussion board and
much more. [lordoftherings]


ASK A SCIENTIST (added: 16-Jan-2002)
70,000 science questions in the archive!! QUESTIONS /

Project Zero (added: 27-Jan-2002)
Project Zero's mission is to understand and enhance
learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts, as well as
humanistic and scientific disciplines, at the individual and
institutional levels.
Project Zero is an educational research group at the Harvard
Graduate School of Education.
Huge source of info on MI - lots of links ...
[multiple intelligences]

Taylors Elementary School (added: 21-Jan-2002)
This is an educational site designed to benefit the school
community. Students research projects are published.

Spice up your spelling words (added: 25-Jan-2002)
When rote doesn't work, it's time to reach into your bag of
tricks to make spelling special. Third grade teacher Sally
Engle is the inspiration for this list of interesting things
to do with spelling words. Many of these exercises can be
done at home, with a parent sending a note back that the
words were completed.

Earth and Globes - image and animation resources (added: 25-Jan-2002)
Welcome to the world's largest collection of animations
which display Earth, Earths, globe renditions and worlds.
There are over 100 world, Earth and globe animations here.
All of them are in animated gif format. Most of the
animation is of the globe, Earth or world rotating and
spinning, but there are some interesting variations. They
are in the order of file size with the first being less than
1 Kilobyte, and the last at 500 Kilobytes. Click on the
image to arrive at the animated version, use your browser's
"back" button to come back.
Alice's Virtual Restaurant - Irish Buffet (added: 26-Jan-2002)
Broad array of family-friendly, categorised, resources for
anyone, Irish resident, émigré and visitor alike, seeking to
learn more about the compelling history, rich culture,
burgeoning economy and captivating beauty of Ireland.

Feebleminds Animated Gifs (added: 15-Jan-2002)
Free animated gifs, clipart, background sets, buttons,
animated dividers, pictures and digital art to use on your


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