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Fluoride Free Water welcomes the Fine Gael pledge in the Irish Independent
15/1/01. Fine Gael, if elected, will end the compulsory practice of adding
chemical fluoride to drinking water. Ivan Yates yesterday based the grounds
for ceasing fluoridation on “serious health concerns”.
“Fine Gael believes there are sufficient grounds to point to serious health
risks from the cumulative amount of fluoride in our piped water supply
Fine Gael’s pledge is timely following the
documentary debate on T.V.3 last Friday. On the programme, Minister Martin
continued to promote his “forum” as “objective and independent”. What
Minister Martin does not tell us, is that the Dept. of Health is planning new
fluoridation extensions despite the forum; he does not tell us that the forum
is blatantly pro-fluoride. So much for his “objective and independent”
forum. Finally, he does not tell us that bottle-fed babies in Ireland are
receiving unsafe fluoride levels in their daily feed.
It is estimated that in Ireland, where parents are using fluoridated tap water
for formula feed, new-borns are receiving three times the safe dose of
fluoride and three-month olds nearly six times the safe limit (British Medical
Association figures).
See http://www.imj.ie/issue26/editorial/editorial2.html
Water fluoridation prescribes by thirst, the more you drink; the more you get.
For some very young Irish citizens this fluoride damage is happening now.
Fluoride Free Water congratulates Fine Gael on their pledge and calls on other
political parties to join us in our continued demand for the freedom to choose
fluoride free water.