Mongon making tin cans (1960's)

Michael Mannion and Mickey Burke with their sheep on Inishark in 1959. The island was deserted for one year. You can read the story of Inishark courtesy of an article of the Daily Mirror of 1960.

Mickey Burke, Austin Coyne and Michael Mannion shearing sheep on Inishark the same year.

The mail boat is preparing to leave Inishbofin for Cleggan. The photo was taken during  the 1960's.

Michael Joe and a little boy carrying a curragh, the local fishing boat of the West of Ireland. (early 1970's)

Gabriel O'Halloran in 1986, in his house on Inishbofin.

Mary Lavelle during a session in the Day's Pub on Inishbofin. Notice Michael Joe on her left side, the man who was carrying the curragh in the last photograph. (1986)

Willy Burke performing an Irish dance in the Day's Pub. He lived for a long time on Inishbofin but is now living on Achill. (1986)

A donkey on the eastern road on Inishbofin, probably in the 1970's. During this time, the donkey was the main means of transport on the island.

Tony Lacey shearing his sheep on Bofin in 1989.

A spectacular but usual boarding of a horse from Cleggan to Inishbofin in 1960's.

The 1999 St. Patrick's Day parade on Inishbofin featuring the schoolchildren of the island.

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