N.B. Confirm dates & venue with host club or association before traveling.  
Locations or dates may change at short notice.

National Association of Sporting Rifle Clubs (NASRC)
Affiliated to the N.R.P.A.I.
Competition Calendar for 2002.
Date. Discipline. Venue. Fee.
March 3rd National 50m A/S 60 shot. Fingal 10 Euro
National 50m O/S 40 shot. 10 Euro
May 11th National 50m Rabbit o/s 30 shot. D.R.C. 10 Euro
May 12th National 3P 1 card each position Eagles 10 Euro
60 shots in total.
June 22nd National Rapid Fire 40 shots. Fermoy 10 Euro
National Disc Breaking competition. 10 Euro
June 23rd National 50m 40 shot. Fermoy 10 Euro
National Non Smokers 40 shot 10 Euro
Guess where the Bull is Competition.
July 14th National 100 yard A/S 60 shots. B.R.C. 10 Euro
National 100 yard O/S 40 shots. 10 Euro
September 21st National Keil Trophy Part 1+2 Midlands 10 Euro
Individual Event (Team event if numbers available)
September 22rd National C.Y.O. (Any gun any sights) 10 Euro
.22ins - 60 shots. Midlands
National 25 yard Outdoor. 10 Euro
November 10th National 25 yard indoor 40 shots. Rathdrum 10 Euro
National British Airways Trophy 10 Euro
60 shots - Macrae Handicap.
Please Note.
1. Firearms Certs and Insurance must be produced on date of competition.
2. Host Ranges to provide Range Officers.
3. Second member of Family Shoots for Half Price.
4. Shot Targets remain the property of the N.A.S.R.C. until all scores are finalised and results
displayed on notice board.
5. Challenges of scores given cost 5 Euro. No charge if challenge is correct.
AGM will be held at The Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow on the 23rd February 2002 at 2.30pm.
Club Affiliation fees for 2002 will be collected at the AGM.