The Show
Behind the Scenes

Mysteries 2003


Nuala Pinson



No Flame
No Love
No Hope

Bitter tears furrow my skin
Icy blood runs in my veins

No other souls
Had I ever have kith and kin?

I shield my eyes from the reflection of my soul,
Still the spectral vision of guilt haunts me.

Washing my hands will not blot the stain,
Feeling the lash of blame
I will forever wring my hands.

In my loneliness
My silent scream of deadly pain
Is heard.

When the sun turned dark
When Christ was killed
I was redeemed

Now the Spirit is in my bones
In my warm flesh that lives
And moves
In the dance of Life.

Nuala Pinson © June 2003

But this is only on Tuesday nights in Coventry – at rehearsal for the Hell Scene!!

We have just finished our rehearsal. Michael, Judith and Vincent were there and how good it was to see them again. There were some new faces, too.
To get to know the newcomers, including the professional actors, we had to close our eyes and get to know the back of our partner, simply by touching the back of the head and shoulders. There must have been about 70 people in the room and we had to keep our eyes shut and wander about until we discovered the partner.
Well, I found my hand in sweaty armpits and in other parts of bodies; but I did not find my partner! Do you think I should consult one of my own profession? I am a psychotherapist…..
The scenery and props were on display for the first time. There are wonderful! Unbelievable!
We are all going to have such a great time. We are involved in what promises to be a supreme theatrical experience.
It was a rather warm night and with trying the props and seeing the marvellous animals, there was an air of camaraderie and excitement.
My mind went back to the first time we met for rehearsal. When my daughter suggested that we might do this together, I thought that it would be good fun. I imagined that we would be in some crowd scenes, wandering around muttering ‘rhubarb, rubarb’, having a giggle.
That first time, coming in from the cold winter night to the empty hall, we were all a little shy and self-conscious. Quite soon I began to wonder what I had committed myself to. Running around making weird sounds; acting like some grotesque figure from a painting! I began to get a surreal sensation.
Then I went to Galway and found another group of people doing similar things! They seemed quite bright – but I can’t be sure. No, I am just pulling your 60 legs.
We had a great time in Galway and enjoyed the warmth and hospitality, which was shown to us. We enjoyed our hostess and her family very much. That was the lovely Susanne Doyle and of course our two little friends.
However, back to the present and the rehearsals are becoming more intense and frequent now.
The 15 group are looking forward to working with our Galway partners. Hopefully, we shall see some of you in Coventry when we can return your hospitality.