
Vol 2  No. 1
Winter 1999

Newsletter of the Munster Literature Centre Sullivan's Quay Cork

Credo an Scríbhneora Cónaithe

Tadhg Ó Dúshláine, recently appointed writer-in-residence with The Munster Literature Centre and Cork Corporation, respectfully declined a request for a formal interview. He did, however, provide a short poetic statement of his understanding of the beliefs and aspirations the role demands.

I believe in good
And in the power of the word almighty
To recreate all things in heaven and earth
Seen and unseen.
Felt in the heart
Conceived by the spirit
And dwelling among us in the word incarnate.

I believe in suffering and crucifying
And plummeting the dark night of the soul
To rise again and be seated side by side
With those who have gone before us sealed with the sign of creativity.

I believe that we will continue to marvel at the mystery of love, life and death,
As artists have done and will continue to do from the beginning to the end of time.

I believe in the communion of writers,
Tha artification of life,
The immortal words of Barthes1, Singer2, and Solzhenitsyn3
And literature everlasting.

1 Language gives us access to ourselves and the world. It may be frustratingly limited but it is all we have.   2 If you write about the things and the people you know best, you discover your roots. Even if they are new roots, fresh roots, they are better than no roots.  3 Literature is a kind of collective body  and a common spirit, a living unity of the heart which reflects the growing spiritual unity of mankind.

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