
The Elder Scrolls III


Mod Name: N1 C & N House Replacer

Version Number: NV1.0

Category: Replacer & Modders resource / Models And Textures and ESP for easy usage.

Requires: Morrowind

Modder: NeilV

Modder Contact: PM on the Elder Scrolls Central or the Elder Scrolls Forum

1. Description
2. Dependencies
3. Installation
4. Running
5. Known issues
6. Credits
7. Permissions


1. Description

This is a retexture of the external houses and accessories of the common 
and Nordic (not the Bloodmoon ones only Morrowind ones) housing sets. 

All house textures have been replaced with a light brown stone and or brighty 
coloured plaster. 
All wood textures have been are a nice rich brown colour. 

I have tried to match all the colours and textures together to create a 
consistent effect.

Because of the changes in wood texture and colour I decided not to create a
texture replacer as the wood textures are used all over the place and my 
textures would show up where they were not wanted.

So in "N1 ext common tile set replacer.esp" I have updated the exterior
tiles sets of the common houses and the Nordic houses by replacing the mesh 
they point too. This will replace all of the houses of this type wherever used.

And "N1 ext common tile set.esp" is just a modders resource of the same meshes but 
without replacing any in game tile set for use in your own mods.


2. Dependencies



3. Installing the plug in

Unzip and make sure meshes goes to “data files/meshes/NV/"
That the textures goes to “data files/textures/"
and the ESP goes to “data files/"

The ESP has been cleaned by TESTools

4. Running

To use the house replacer just select "N1 ext common tile set replacer.esp"
in the data list

to use as a modders resource Fire up TESCS and run "N1 ext common tile set.esp"
and add to your own mod.

I have tested with adding and removing the replacer with out any problems

But always back up Saved games before adding new mods.


5. Known issues

There are no know issues at the moment apart from that if you use the replacer
all standard Common and Nordic houses will have their textures replaced.

You can run both ESP together with out any problems.
This replacer cannot be used at athe same time as Nv ext common tile set replacer.esp
But you can use both modders resource's together as all meshes and textures have 
diffrent names.




CanadianIce and Howndog's Place a nice place to hang and get advice and help

The Elder Scrolls Forums for some good advice.

Bethesda for creating a very good game.

Sorcha Ravenlock for all her support and creative insights

All textures are by me 


7. Permissions

The replacer and modders resource are free to use as you wish
if you plan to release in a mod please just let me know, so that 
I can let you know if any updates are planned.

If you wish to adapt the textures in this set please rename the meshes and 
textures to avoid any conflicts with other people using the set.

Naming conventions are set as "N1" at the beginning of each mesh and texture
this should make it easy to adapt and or remove.


Additions to the set are planned but not scheduled.
I will work on an internal set in the near future

Please drop me a PM on the Elder Scrolls Central or the Elder Scrolls Forum 
if you release a mod with the set.

Happy modding!


