The artist Paul Guven
Paul is a Dublin based artist. In the ninetys Paul created a large plethora of sometimes exciting and original paintings. His works ( prints of which are available for purchase at this site) were extracted from layers of his own experience. It was a reaction to the harsh, bleak, and, often, rather oppressed life. Indeed a harsh light seems to filter mnemonicaly through the vibrant dreamscapes in his canvasses. His work peaked in 1999 with a successful exhibition and a sell out of his paintings at an RHA exhibition in Ely Place (off Stephen's Green). Nowadays, Pauls work is in a transition period. He is attempting to procure a more minimalist Greenbergian synthenis of magic, realism .His abstractions are rendered holistically and through a primal medium, as represented through layers and glazes of colour. Is this synthesis possible? Good luck Paul! Let us all know how you get on.
Click here to see more of Paul's artwork


Frank Maher

Frank Maher's latest CD now available in a limited edition

To order your CD send a cheque or postal order for €14.99 to:
Frank Maher, 625 Iveaghy Trust, New Bride St., Dublin 8.
or e-mail this website.
Make cheques payable to Frank Maher.

Download free samples of Frank's Music
Shadow Song


Read Frank's autobiography
(It's a big file so the page takes a few minutes to open OK )


Li Raven

Beadwork Artist and Teacher
Studying Fine Arts