Deirdre has contacted the Greendoor to welcome everyone to Shambhala Dublin's new meditation center.
Open night is Wednesday @ 8pm and there is a small donation charge to help pay for the rent on the hall and perhaps the cost of getting a teacher to talk to you about Spiritual Warrior training according to the principles laid down by the guru: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Teaching the basic techniques of meditation for beginners, and some awareness excercises; Shambhala Warrior training advances the student to the path of Vajrayana Buddhism (whatever religion you might be).












Seonaidh (Johnny) Perks, founder Arcarya of Celtic Buddhism, may soon be opening a Meditation Center in Letterkenny to bring enlightenment to others. There was not enough support to afford the rent on the Community Centre last Summer. You can read his autobiography and account of his time spent as Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's assistant in his book shown below.

Now on sale:
"The Mahasiddha and his Idiot Servant"