Page |
3 |
20 |
Difficulties in judging ‘consciousness’ |
22 |
Distinguishing between ‘reflex’ and ‘non-reflex’ action |
54 |
Judging the ‘ability to feel pain’ |
78 |
PVS, Locked-In Syndrome and an alternative definition of PVS |
114 |
Doubt and its incorporation into medical decision making |
165 |
175 |
178 |
The theoretical approach adopted by the courts to ‘end-of-life’ decisions for PVS patients |
182 |
The concept of ‘quality of life’ |
210 |
Could the Ward case engender a slippery slope? |
229 |
250 |
252 |
A good death |
255 |
A necessary condition for personhood |
313 |
An alternative conceptual structure for ‘end-of-life’ decisions for PVS patients |
382 |
411 |
Appendices |
Studies on the misdiagnosis of PVS |
418 |
Borthwick’s criticism of the definition of PVS |
425 |
Relevant legal judgements |
429 |
Phillipa Foot’s analysis of the ethics of euthanasia |
453 |
The development of euthanasia in pre-war Germany |
458 |
Some modern definitions of personhood |
463 |
476 |
486 |
If you would like to send an e-mail to Gerry Roche please send it to gerry@gerryroche.com
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