Book Quiz

Book Reviews
Title: The Moon King

Author Siobhán Parkinson

Characters: Mammy, Kelly Róisin Helen and Ricky

Plot:. It was about a young boy whose mum is sick. Ricky, the young boy is sent to an orphanage. At first he does not like it there. He is afraid of the dark and the tall housebut then he settles in. There is one girl. Helen who is always teasing him. One day Riky is going up to his room but the door is locked. Helen has locked it. Ricky begins to get hungry. He gos up to the attic and he finds there the moon chair. Ricky runs away later on in the story. Everyone goes looking for him but they cannot find him. Eventually Ricky comes home

Review:.It was an OK bookParts of it were boring and parts of it were good. I didn't really like the way Ricky talked or the way he thought he was Spiderboy but other than that it was good

Mark: 60%
By Amy


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