Book Quiz

Book Reviews
Title: Smasher
Author Dick King Smith

Characters: Mr and Mrs Buzzard, Smasher and Kay

Plot: This story is about a dog who lives on a farm. One day he got let into the house by the farmer's wife and she gave him something to eat.When he was finished he went through the room into every room. Then he went into the guests' room and piddled on the leg of the sofa. Sometimes Mrs Buzzard was mean to him.After a while mrs Buzzard wanted to get rid of him. Mr Buzzard hid him away so that Mrs Buzzard would think that he was gone.But it started to get real lonely without him and then Mr Buzzard brought him back and they all lived happily together.

Review: I thought the story was really good because the dog was really mischievous. I thought he was really funny chasing Mrs Buzard's hen and driving her crazy all the time.

Mark: 100%


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