Radio Syndication
Religious & Social Affairs

3R Productions Ltd
Past Tapes

Tape Date: 1 st May 1996

This week we have interviews with the newly elected Archbishop of Dublin the Most Rev. Walton Empey, and with Canon Nicholas Frayling, author of the book 'Pardon and Peace' concerning English attitudes to peace and reconciliation in the North. We continue our look at exam stress, and also the Ballintubber reflections.  There are interviews with Fr. Joe Dunn of Radharc fame, and the Most Rev. Willie Walsh, Bishop of Killaloe who recently addressed the National Conference of Priests in Ireland. We conclude the tape with two pieces on notions of Christian community.

Side One:

1.        Crossways: News in the Church and the World. Our main report this week looks at M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). Elaine Comerford spoke to Vera Kindlon of The Irish M.E. Support Group who are  having an Awareness Week  from 6th - 12th May. The news was read by Elaine Comerford and Liam Greene, SJ.

Time: 5.58

2. Challenges to the Church:  The National Conference of Priests of Ireland (NCPI) hosted a  meeting in Dublin recently, entitled ' Consultation on Challenges to the Irish Church'.  The keynote speaker was the Bishop of Killaloe, Most Rev. Willie Walsh.  Examining the challenges facing the church, he suggested some qualities needed by the Church in order to face up to them.  This address will shortly be published in  The Furrow.  After the meeting Bishop Walsh spoke to Martin Browne.

In (Walsh): " In some ways....................or anything like that"  Out (Walsh) Time:   5.37
3.    Archbishop Empey:  The electoral college of the united dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough recently chose Most Rev. Walton Empey as Archbishop of Dublin, Bishop of Glendalough and Primate of Ireland. Archbishop Empey, who is 61, was previously Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe.  Before that, he served in several ministries around Ireland and also spent some years ministering in Canada. He is married to Louie and has four grown up children. Immediately after his election, Archbishop Empey spoke to Martin Browne.

In (Browne):  "Archbishop Empey..........high up on the list."  Out (Empey). Time:    3.57

4.      Pardon and Peace: Canon Nicholas Frayling, a priest of the Church of England and Rector of Liverpool, has just published the book  Pardon and Peace.  In it , he argues that English people need to express sorrow to Irish people for past wrongs, in order that reconciliation may come about.  He spent three months travelling around Ireland, north and south, after an IRA bomb exploded in Warrington in 1993, killing Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry. This book grew out of his conversations and studies during that period.  Pardon and Peace is published by SPCK and retails at £10.99.  Canon Frayling spoke to Martin Browne.

In (Browne): "Canon Nicholas Frayling..........We're deeply sorry."  Out (Frayling) Time:      5.19

5. "Maximum Points, Minimum Panic": Kevin Flannagan is the author of the book Maximum Points, Minimum Panic. He talks to Imelda Deegan about exam stress and how to cope with it. The book is published by Marino Press.
In: (Deegan) "What is exam having people around."  Out: (Flannagan) Time:       5.29

6.  Exam Stress: Geraldine Goulding teaches History and English in a Secondary School. Kathleen Dooris, RSM asks if she can give some practical tips to students to help cope during this stressful time as they prepare for exams.

In: (Goulding) "Yes I can works it really works"  Out: (Goulding) Time:      5.59
Side Two:

1.  Edmund Rice Beatification: On October 6th the Pope will beatify Bro Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers. Recently the Presentation Brothers in Ireland launched a magazine and video as part of a new awareness of Edmund Rice's importance. Pupils, teachers and other associates of the Brothers are involved in preparations for the celebration in October. Alan McGuckian SJ asked Presentation Brother Martin Kenneally what impact the coming beatification is having on people.

In: (Kenneally)  "I think they are............Ireland of the years to come."  Out: (Kenneally) Time: 5.53

2.     4th Glorious Mystery:  Reflections from Ballintubber with Fr. Frank Fahy.

In (Fahy): "We're now here before................had great regard for it."     Out  (Fahy) Time:     2.44

3.      5th Glorious Mystery:    Reflections from Ballintubber with Fr. Frank Fahy.

In (Fahy): "We're here at the coronation.........and it's goodness"   Out  (Fahy) Time: 3.50

4.  No Vipers in the Vatican: Fr. Joe Dunn, of Radharc fame, has just published a book No Vipers in the Vatican. Of the many topics covered he now talks to Kathleen Dooris RSM about the Roman Curia and begins by explaining why he chose the title for the book. The book is published by Columba Press at £9.99

In: (Dunn)  "Well there are at least...............Curia tomorrow if he wishes"  Out: (Dunn) Time: 5.44

5.      L'Arche Community:   Rhiann Maguire worked for five years as a house assistant in the L'Arche community in Cork. She is now studying for a Diploma in Pastoral Studies in the Milltown Institute sponsored by Bishop Murphy. She hopes to return to work in his diocese.  Here she talks to Maeve O'Reilly SSL about her experience in L'Arche.

In (O'Reilly):"You lived for five years.............pray for me in the evening" Out  (Maguire) Time: 5.06
6.          Small Christian Community:  Andrew Fanthome works in the Dept. of Forestry. He is a member of a group of young Catholics who meet once a week to support one another in living out the Gospel values in their ordinary lives.  He is president of Viatores Christi - a lay missionary organisation, and has been invited to address the A.G.M. of the Irish Missionary Union on the topic of "Lay Collaboration".  Here he talks to Maeve O'Reilly SSL about what being a member of a small Christian community means to him.

In (O'Reilly) : "Andrew, what does it mean......... very, very necessary."  Out  (Fanthome) Time:  6.26

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