Code of Discipline | |
School Rules:
Bullying | ||
Suggestions | ||
Sanctions | ||
Summary of the School Rules | ||
Introduction | ||||||
A Code of Discipline is not simply a list of rules. Neither is it a list of punishments. The overall emphasis should be to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated, while acknowledging the right of each child to education in a relatively disruption free environment. | ||||||
We expect children to conform to general standards of behaviour and work, and we look for the support of parents in attaining these standards. | ||||||
It is our policy that discipline be positive and kindly. Our school rules are simple and are designed to protect persons and property. | ||||||
School Rules | ||||||
General Misbehaviour | ||||||
1. No pupil may leave the school premises during school hours without written permission from parent / guardian. Under no condition will children be allowed to the shops. An indemnity form must be signed by the parent / guardian for children who go home for lunch everyday. | ||||||
2. The complete uniform must be worn at all times. The uniform consists of : | ||||||
Slacks or Skirt or Pinafore Grey Shirt or White Blouse Navy Sweater |
Jeans are unacceptable. Sportswear to be worn only in the gym. In the interest of safety, runners must be worn in the gym. Children should have coats, cardigans and jumpers labelled. The school will not be responsible for damage to, or loss of property. | ||||||
3. Children returning to school after an absence must bring a written explanation for their absence signed by a parent or guardian. | ||||||
4. Courtesy and good manners are expected from the children at all times, both in their dealings with their teachers and with each other. Unruly behaviour will not be tolerated. | ||||||
The following are deemed to be examples of unruly behaviour : |
Continuous disruptive behaviour by pupil in class i.e. back answering, sulking, fidgeting, chatting etc. | ||
Running or jumping on stairs or in corridors, sliding on banisters. | ||
Not remaining in their places when indoors on a wet day. | ||
Damaging school property - writing on tables, walls etc. | ||
Bullying and fighting in school yard. Using bad language, name-calling, spitting, high kicking, pulling and dragging in an aggressive manner | ||
Entering prohibited areas in or around the school. | ||
Re-entering the classroom during breaktime without permission of teachers on yard duty. | ||
Damage to or interference with other children's property. |
5. Children must walk to and from the classrooms in silence and in an orderly fashion. | ||
6. The sick bay may be used by children only at the written request of parents. | ||
Under no circumstances will medicine be administered by school personnel. | ||
7. In the interest of safety as little jewellery as possible should be worn. If earrings are worn they must be studs - no hanging earrings allowed. Rings have been known to cause accidents. | ||
Classroom | ||
1. Pupils must do all homework prescribed by the teacher. Failure to do so requires a written explanation from parent or guardian. | ||
2. In the interest of hygiene, parents are requested to ensure that each pupil should have, in his/her schoolbag a towel for drying hands. | ||
3. We would appreciate your co-operation in maintaining classroom discipline by leaving your child at the outer door and not accompanying him/her to classroom after the first month. This helps to make your child more independent. Please wait to collect your child at this point also. This applies in particular to parents of Junior and Senior Infants. | ||
4. Parents who wish to consult teachers outside the official Parent / Teacher meeting should make an appointment through the Principal. | ||
School Yard | ||
1. Lunch to be eaten in the classroom only. No eating in the school yard. Children are forbidden to eat crisps of any type or chewing gum in the school. Cans and glass bottles are also forbidden. | ||
2. No cycling in the school yard. | ||
3. Children should not be in the school yard before 9.00 a.m. Parents should time their children's departure from home so that they arrive at the school not earlier than 9.00 a.m. Children on the premises before official opening time are not covered by insurance. Playing in the school yard after school hours is forbidden. | ||
The duty times of the school warden are : | ||
8.40 a.m.
- 9.20 a.m. 1.40 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. 2.40 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. |
4. In the yard the children must respond to the bell in the following manner : | ||
(a) When the
first bell rings after break, children stop playing and replace footballs and
basketballs. (b) When second bell rings children walk into line and wait for teacher to collect them. |
5. Children must obey the teacher on yard duty at all times. | ||
6. In the interest of safety of smaller children, playing of football is not allowed in yard before school begins. | ||
Code of Conduct in the Yard | |
Children should show respect, courtesy and co-operation towards each other and the supervising teacher at all times. They should respect each other's safety thus no running, pushing, trains, rough playing, etc. Children should be friendly to each other and include each other in games. Lunches are not to be eaten in the schoolyard. Any serious incident, which occurs in the schoolyard, will be reported to Principal by the teacher on duty. The Principal will record the incident in the Incident book. |
Bullying | |
Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression - verbal, psychological or physical conducted by an individual or group against others. It can take many forms : |
1. | Physical aggression | |
2. | Damage to property | |
3. | Isolation | |
4. | Name calling | |
5. | Intimidation | |
6. | Abusive language towards School Personnel. |
When a pupil reports an incident of bullying he/she will be spoken to by the class teacher. The alleged bully will be contacted at the earliest opportunity and invited to meet the Principal to discuss the incident. Parents will be notified if it is deemed necessary. Pupils are advised not to retaliate when confronted by a bully. |
Suggestions | ||
1. A child will be more alert and responsive if he/she has: | ||
(a) a proper night's sleep; | ||
(b) a balanced and regular diet; e.g. an ideal lunch should include one of the following, sandwich, fruit, yogurt, and milk, water or fruit juice. | ||
(c) not been over exposed to T.V. viewing or late night reading. |
2. Homework is an extension of the school day's work and should be well within the child's capabilities. It should be done carefully and without too much help at home. | |
3. In the interest of safety parents are requested to keep the entrance to the school car park clear at all times. | |
4. The school car park is for the use of staff and visitors to the school. In the interest of children's safety it is not to be used by parents as a place to drop off or collect children. | |
Sanctions | |
1. Children who are unruly in the yard or children who leave the school premises without written permission will be confined to a restricted area of the yard for an indefinite period. | |
2.Parents of children who are continuously aggressive in the school yard will be requested to take their children home for the duration of the lunch break. | |
3. Children who disrupt class must accept the sanctions imposed by the class teacher. | |
4. Children who are continuously disruptive in class will be sent to another class within the school for a specified period. | |
Parents will be notified of a child's bad behaviour in an effort to ascertain the underlying reasons for such behaviour and assurances will be sought as to a child's future conduct. | |
5. Consistent disruptive behaviour and single instances of gross misbehaviour and bullying may lead to suspension. | |
Suspension of a pupil is the responsibility of the Board of Management. | |
6. Damage to property will not be tolerated and compensation will be sought for such damage. | |
7. A record of unruly behaviour will be kept in the school. | |
Unruly or disruptive children will not be allowed on school tours. |
Summary of the School Rules | |
1. Children should arrive for school no later than nine o'clock. A good rule should be: Be in line at five to nine. | |
2. The complete school uniform must be worn at all times. On days when children have P.E. the school tracksuit and runners must be worn. | |
3. Children returning to school after an absence must provide a written explanation signed by parent/guardian. | |
4. No child may leave the school premises during school hours without written permission from parent/guardian. Under no circumstances will children be allowed go to the shops. | |
5. On wet days children are to remain seated during break time and may leave their places only with the permission of the teacher on duty. | |
6. Courtesy and respect should also be shown to children in charge of class. | |
7. Children must walk to and from classrooms in silence and in an orderly fashion. | |
8. Courtesy and good manners are expected from children at all times, both in their dealings with staff and with each other. | |
9. When children are away from the school e.g. school tours, swimming, playing games, etc. they are to behave in a manner which will reflect well on the school. | |
10. Mitching, vandalism of school property, the use of bad language, name calling and cheekiness are regarded as serious breaches of school discipline. | |
11. The children's behaviour and attentiveness in class must be of such a standard as to allow the teacher conduct the class without undue disruption and to allow the other children learn to the best of their abilities. | |
12. If children are sick they should stay at home. The sick bay may be used by children only at the written request of parents or if in the opinion of the class teacher it is warranted. Under no circumstances will medicine be administered by school staff. | |
13. Pupils must do all homework prescribed by the teacher. Failure to do so requires a written explanation from parent/guardian. | |
14. Crisps of any type or chewing gum are forbidden. Cans and glass bottles are also forbidden. | |
15. Children should be free to come to school, take part in the day's activities and go home without being bullied. Bullying is regarded as one of the most serious breaches of school discipline and is dealt with accordingly. | |
16. Parents who wish to consult teachers outside the official Parent/Teacher meetings must make an appointment through the Principal. | |
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Holy Family
National School Rathcoole County Dublin |