Holy Family National School

Newsletter November 2000

  Welcome to the first Newsletter of the 2000/2001 school year. We are a little late getting off the ground but, as you will see from subsequent articles, it has been a busy first term to date with retirements, new appointments and the establishment of a new Board of Management. 
  New Board of Management 
  A new Board of Management has just been established and will remain in office until 2003. I take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Board for their hard work, commitment and support for the last 3 years and I look forward to working with the new Board. The members of the new Board are:  
Mary Rooney - Patron's Nominee & Chairperson,
Frances Martin - Patron's Nominee,
Anita Mansfield - Parents Rep.,
Winston Jebb - Parents Rep.,
Derek Manning - Teacher's Rep. & Treasurer,
Martin Hoban - Principal Teacher,
Mary Herlihy - Community Rep. & Secretary,
John Purcell - Community Rep. 
  New Parents' Association 
  A new Parents Association has just been established to carry on the good work of previous associations. Members of the new association are:  
Kathleen Clarke - Chairperson,
Bernie Meenagh - Secretary,
Jackie Larkin - Treasurer,
Danny Murphy, Anita Mansfield, Winston Jebb. 
  Retirement of Mrs. Mullaney  
  Sept 29th was certainly a day to remember, as it marked the final day in the teaching career of Mrs Mary Mullaney, a wonderful teacher and colleague. Mrs Mullaney, the school's Deputy Principal, taught in our school for 35 years, having previously taught in her native Galway and Carlow. Mary taught many classes, but she will be forever associated with infant classes. She could be described as a substitute mother for a generation of children as they left the security of their own home.
Her retirement was marked by a special Mass in the school hall, which was celebrated by Fr. Laurence O'Sullivan and a reception at a later date in Citywest Hotel. Many tributes were paid to her by her colleagues, parents, and past and present pupils. We wish her a long and happy retirement. 
  New Appointments  
  We welcome two new teachers to our staff - one permanent and one temporary. Miss Dempsey has replaced Mrs Mullaney and is a newly qualified teacher. Mrs Quigley is a replacement teacher for Mrs McKeon who is still on a career break. Both teachers have already endeared themselves to parents and children alike and are valuable members of our staff. Ms. Lorraine Lawlor, who was a temporary teacher last year, secured a permanent post during the summer in her home town, Carlow. Our loss is Carlow's gain! 
  Mrs McNelis has been appointed as Deputy Principal of our school. Congratulations Evelyn and welcome to this very important position in the management of the school. 
School Closings   
Holyday   December 8 
Christmas Holidays  December 22 - January 5  
Mid-Term Break   February 16 - 19  
Public Holiday  March 19 
Easter Holidays  April 9 - 20 
Public Holiday  May 7 
Public Holiday  June 1 - 4 
Summer Holidays  Begin 12.00 June 29 
  There are an additional four days of in-service training for teachers, but these dates are not available yet. 
  Radon Gas 
  A survey of levels of radon gas was conducted in our school from May 1999 to July 2000 by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland.
What is Radon? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which is present in small quantities in all rocks and soils. Because it is a gas, it can seep into buildings and can sometimes accumulate to dangerously high levels. When breathed in it may damage cells in the lung and eventually lead to lung cancer.
All rooms on the bottom floor were monitored using radon detectors and while the results of the measurement show that radon levels vary from room to room, all rooms were well below the level which is deemed to be safe. The detailed results of the survey are posted on the school window. 
  Gaelic football leagues have just drawn to a close. This year we fielded two boy's teams and one girl's team. The boy's U-13 team and the girl's team won their respective groups but were unfortunately beaten in the quarter finals. Well done to all those who represented the school so well and my thanks to Mrs. McNelis who coached the girl's team and the many parents who provided transport to matches.
Coaching in hurling has commenced for children in 3rd class under Dublin Co. Board coach Patrick Byrne. Later on they will partake in an indoor hurling league.

Volunteers needed: Maybe there is somebody in the community who is in a position to coach children after school in some sporting activity like Gaelic Football, Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, Basketball, etc. Insurance, facilities and equipment can all be arranged. You won't be on your own. Come and talk to us. 
  Creative Writing 
  Children in 6th class have started a course in Creative Writing with local children's author Pauline Devine. This welcome initiative is sponsored by the Arts Section of South Dublin County Council and will be of enormous benefit to the children in their English programme. 
  After school computer courses have once again proved very popular on Tuesday evenings, so much so that an extra class had to be organised.
A new class will be put in place in the 2nd term - again on a first come first served basis.
This year we have installed a computer with suitable software in a number of classrooms throughout the school ,including the remedial room, in addition to our well-equipped computer room.
Some members of the staff have started computer training courses, including the E.C.D.L. course. 
  Competition Winner 
  P.C. Live magazine have just announced that our school website has won the Dec/Jan Hottest School Website Competition. A digital camera is winging its way to us.
Check out our website at: http://homepage.eircom.net/~holyfam/ 
  Unfortunately, we have had a number of windows broken in a classroom which is close to the school fence. This mindless vandalism has cost us a lot of money and we would encourage anybody who knows the culprits to contact the gardai, who are investigating. 
  School Security 
  It is a source of great concern to management and staff that the school is so open to members of the public. In many schools nowadays doors are locked and can only be opened by using a buzzer from the outside.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to put such a system in operation at the present time. In the meantime, we would ask all visitors (including parents dropping off lunches, books, etc) to report to the office and not to go directly to any classroom in the school. Remember this is to ensure that your children are safe from strangers.Your cooperation in this matter would be much appreciated. 
  School Rules 
  There are a few school rules that need to be emphasized from time to time:
1. Children must wear their school uniform at all times. Their school tracksuit should be worn on days when (a) they are having P.E., (b) going swimming, (c) training or playing a match for the school or (d) when their school uniform is "in the wash."
2. Courtesy and good manners are expected from children at all times, both in their dealings with staff and with each other. We demand and expect a high standard of good behaviour.
3. Bad language will not be tolerated in the school or its environment. The calling of names is particularly frowned upon because it often leads to rows between children. Every child has a right to be called by their first name.
4. Parents are reminded that the staff carpark is reserved for parking and is not to be used for dropping off and collecting children. This is purely in the interests of the children's safety. The entrance to our school is on a very dangerous bend. Please encourage your children to use the school warden who is on duty morning and evening.
5. School starts at nine o'clock. Punctuality is a good trait to develop in your child.  
  Release Time for Principal 
  This year the Dept. of Education and Science have sanctioned a number of days free from classroom duties for Teaching Principals to allow them time for school planning and to perform some of their many administrative duties. The number of days allowed depends on the size of the school. In our case the Principal is allowed ten days with full substitute cover. 
  Christmas Concert 
  Our annual Christmas concert takes place this year on Tuesday 19th December at 8.00pm. Make a date in your diary! 
  Communion date: 19th May at 11.00am 
  Confirmation Date: June 6th in Rathcoole Church 
  Other Newsletters:  April 1997
    October 1997
    March 1998
    April 1999 
    October 1999 
    November 1999 
    School Closings 
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