Attendance Policy



  Poor attendance at school disadvantages children. We aim to ensure that the children in our school attend regularly and on time and where this is not the case we intend to develop procedures which are designed to encourage consistent attendance.
The performance indicator by which we judge the success of our efforts is set each year by our average attendance figure. In the last academic year (2007/2008) our average attendance was 92.25%; we are seeking to improve that figure for this and subsequent years.
While 100% attendance is clearly the ideal, in many cases legitimate illness or other factors can prevent it. Such attendance, where it occurs, is clearly "excellent".
On the other hand, we regard attendance, which falls below 90% and where a child is known to be in reasonable health and there are no extenuating circumstances, to be "poor" and should give rise for concern.
In order to ascertain the levels of individual children's attendance, a complete register check will be carried out during and at the end of each term and where there is cause for concern, appropriate action shall be taken(see below).
Appropriate agencies such as the Inspectorate of The Department of Education and Science and officers of The Education Welfare Board have a right to inspect school attendance figures of individual pupils. To that end, we aim to ensure that school registers are kept accurately.
The attendance figure for each pupil will be included in the annual report issued to each parent at the end of the academic year and the overall average attendance will be published in the school newsletter.
In Holy Family N.S. a Curriculum which is relevant, flexible and catering to the needs of individual children is taught and children work in an environment which is safe and secure and conducive to work. Any issue, such as bullying, which might inhibit school attendance, is dealt with expeditiously.

We aim to identify poor attendance at an early stage and to that end the following steps shall be taken:
1. Class teachers monitor attendance and advise the post holder of potential problems.
2.When a pupil has reached his/her 15th cumulative absence a note is sent to the parents advising them of same and that the school is obliged to inform NEWB once the child has reached his/her 20th absence.(sample letter included)
3. Details of absences are forwarded to the NEWB as required.
4. Every reasonable effort will be made to resolve the issue of persistent absenteeism through consultation with parents/guardians, school staff and NEWB

There is a positive attitude within the school to good attendance and the following will be carried out to promote good attendance:
Term 1&2 :( end of each) Any child with full attendance shall be congratulated in their class and shall have their photograph taken to be displayed for parents/teachers/pupils in a communal area, thus encouraging full attendance amongst the rest of the school.
Term 3: At the end of the school year, the same shall be done with the photographs being displayed during the following term. Also, on the day of 'Sports Day' assembly awards, there will be time set aside for the presentation of a certificate and a reward to the children who have had full attendance for the academic year. Thus encouraging the same and ensuring the children know that their efforts did not go unnoticed.

Education Welfare Act:

  The Education Welfare Act became law in July 2002 and under that law parents have an obligation to send their children to a recognised school. The Board of Management of a school is obliged to have an attendance policy which promotes attendance awareness and good practice and provides for monitoring and reporting of same. 

Role of the Parent/Guardian:

  • Parents/Guardians are obliged to have their children engaged in full time education from 6-16 years of age.
  • If a child misses a school day or part of a school day parents/guardians must provide the school with an explanation in writing.
  • Children attending a doctor or dental appointment may submit a letter from that practitioner.

Role of the School:

  • Parents /Guardians are made aware of the official opening and closing time of the school and of the 20 minute reception time in the morning. In Holy Family N.S. school starts each day at 9.00 a.m. and formal lessons begin at 9.20 a.m. While we actively encourage children to be present by 9.00 a.m. a child is not considered late unless he/she arrives after 9.20 a.m... Infant classes are dismissed at 1.45 p.m. and all other classes at 2.45 p.m.
  • Individual pupil attendance is recorded each day in the class roll book. The calling of the roll will commence each day not later than 10.30 a.m.
  • If a child is not present by 10.30 a.m. and the school has received no notification from parents/guardians he/she will be marked absent whether or not the child arrives later. The absence mark (0) on a school roll cannot be altered.
  • If a child arrives in school on time with a note of a doctor's or dental appointment and will be returning to school after the appointment then the child will be marked present (\). If the school receives notification from parents/guardians that a child has an appointment with a doctor or dentist and will be late for school that child will be marked present (\).However if the child does not appear in school the presence mark (\) can be altered to an absence mark by using a triangle.
  • Children will only be allowed to leave the school earlier than the official times if they are collected by parents/guardians or if there is a written request from parents/guardians. Parents must inform the class teacher who will ensure that the time of departure is recorded.
  • Sanctions are not imposed on children for being late for or being absent from school.
  • Class attendance is recorded each day in the school register.
  • Attendance for the whole school is monitored on a monthly basis and an average % attendance is calculated.
  • If a child is absent for 20 or more days in a school year or if a poor attendance pattern is apparent the school must inform the Education Welfare Board.

Role of the Education Welfare Board:

  The Education Welfare Board has a range of functions assigned to it by The Education Welfare Act. The main functions of the Board are:
  • To promote and foster in society, and in particular in families, an appreciation of the benefits to be derived from education,
  • To promote and foster an environment that encourages children to attend school and to participate fully in the life of the school,
  • To assist children and parents of children who are not attending school on a regular basis,
  • To assist schools in drawing up strategies and programmes aimed at preventing non-attendance in schools.
  If the Education Welfare Board considers that parents/guardians are neglecting their obligations regarding school attendance, 
  • They may serve a "School Attendance Notice".
  • Parents/guardians will be required to send the named child/children to school and failure to do so will incur a fine of €635 or one month in prison or both.
  • The relevant Health Board will be informed if a parent/guardian is convicted.
  • Parents/guardians will also be liable for a fine of €254 for every day the notice is broken or ignored.
  This policy will be subject to periodic review. 
  Sample letter for 15 days absence 
  Holy Family N.S.
  Dear Parents/Guardians, 
  I am writing to inform you that your child ________________________ has missed 15 days to date this academic year. If a child misses 20 days or more, we are obliged to notify the Welfare Board, where appropriate action will be taken.  
  Yours sincerely,
Martin Hoban (Principal)  
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