Here we have some examples of stories which the sixth class pupils have written and we hope you enjoy their work. Hopefully new stories will be added to the collection. School By The Hedge Hello, my name is Nell O'Driscoll and this is
a story about going to school by a hedge. Every morning I get up at seven
o'clock to do my chores. When I am finished I get a piece of turf and some
bread and I walk a mile to my school. While I eat the bread I think of
what I learned yesterday. On this particular morning, I was thinking about
my catechism. I had to learn a verse from the Bible off by heart and I was
trying to remember it. In the Summer we have our classes outside beside a
hedge, but in Winter we have our classes in the old barn. We have to bring
a sod of turf for the fire. Today we have classes in the barn. Signed Nell O'Driscoll |
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