Erected by his children
in memory of their beloved father
Edward Chandler
of Cooltown
who died 9th March 1883 aged 82 years
also his son Robert
who died Sydney N. S. W.
22nd June 1885 aged 38 years
and their mother
Elizabeth Chandler
died April 28th 1891 aged 70 years
There remaineth there a rest to the people
of God
Heb. iv. 9.
John Chandler
died 1 July 1920 aged 76
Mary Chandler
who died 24th Oct 1954
at Rathmolyon Villa
aged 76 years
also Sarah Douglas The Villa
died 28th July 1985 aged 74 years
her husband Richard
died 12th November 1990 aged 79 years
Abide with me