Photo (C) Ronan Gallagher 98



Ronan Gallagher

(c) Ronan Gallagher 93


New York - Warehouse - Night - Exterior

Soundtrack of lovemaking continuous throughout scene.

Establishing shot of warehouse.

It is pouring rain.

Camera slowly closes on warehouse entrance passing through to-


Interior warehouse night.

S.F.X. lovemaking.

The interior of the warehouse has a squalid, disused look to it, with water dripping from several holes in the roof.  Camera continues its slow approach to a dimly lit doorway at the other end of the warehouse.  Camera's path is littered here and there with old rags and empty liquor bottles and dirty pools of rainwater.  A rat scurries across the view of the camera.  The camera reaches the doorway and passes through.


Interior - Dimly lit stairway - Night

The camera continues down the stairway.  It is dark and squalid.  There is another door at the bottom of the stairway.  The door is closed but light is coming from under the door.  Camera passes through the door to-


Interior - brightly lit basement.

A young red hair'd girl's face fills the camera.  She is groaning sexily and is obviously in a state of sexual arousal.  She also looks drugged.

S.F.X. Lovemaking - porno soundtrack - groaning etc.

Camera slowly moves down the girl's body to her breasts.  A tongue is licking her nipple.  Camera pulls back to reveal a man's head.  The main is wearing a grotesque leather balaclava -the type used in bondage and s/m sex.  Only the man's eyes and lips can be seen through the mask.  It looks totally grotesque and bizarre.  The man is licking and sucking the girl's breast.  Camera continues down her body across her stomach to her thighs to reveal a second man pumping between her legs.  He also is wearing a leather mask.

Camera cranes upwards for an overhead shot to reveal the girl lying on a bed.  Her hands are tied to the bedposts.  The first masked man is kneeling by her side fondling and sucking her breasts.  The second man has the girls legs gripped firmly around his thighs and is making love to her roughly.


Mmmmm....  Oh yessss....  Mmmmm....  Harder!  Give it to me harder.


You want it harder bitch...  I'll give it to you harder.

The first man drapes a silk scarf over the girl's nipples drawing it upward over her neck and face like a veil.  The scarf gently rises and falls on her face in time with her breathing.  The first man gets off the bed and moves behind the bedposts.

From girls P.O.V.

The scarf is lifted from her face to reveal the first man's masked head looking down on her from behind.  A leer through his mask enhances his grotesqueness.  He begins to twist the scarf into a rope. 

From the first man's POV

The girl's face still exudes erotic pleasure.  She groans as the first man caresses her neck with the twisted scarf.  Slowly but surely he begins to tighten the scarf round her neck.  The girl's face registers puzzlement at first and as the scarf begins to restrict her breathing, fear begins to take over.

Camera pulls back and upwards to overhead shot.

The first man is slowly strangling the girl.  She is struggling now but her tied hands thwart her efforts, and the second man, who has her legs firmly gripped around his tights.  The second man is groping for something and finds it.

Cut to

A large serrated hunting knife is lifted high in the air.

Cut to

Close up girl's face.

Her eyes are bulging with fear and asphyxiation.  The scarf is tight around her neck.  The masked head of the first man comes into vision beside her ear.


You want it harder bitch....   Well you got it!

He relaxes the scarf.  She gasps for air, coughing and spluttering and sobbing.


Oh no please not me....  Pleassse noooooo....

Cut to

The hunting knife is plunged downwards.

Cut to

Close up girl's face

She is terrified and screaming, struggling with her assailants.  SFX knife plunging into her body and blood splashes on her face.  Her screaming becomes a horrible gurgling sound as blood pours from her mouth and nose.

From Girl's P.O.V.

The camera is her eyes. Her vision is blurred. She is dying.  Darkness descends slowly blacking out her vision. Just before she blacks out totally one of the masked faces comes into her vision leering down at her from very close.


Go to sleep baby....  It's all over now....

Fade to black as she dies.