Gerry O’Connor, one of the old stock, pictured at the Abbeydorney St Patrick’s Day Parade in 2000, Gerry was laid to rest in Kyrie Eleison Cemetery this morning.
The organisers of the annual mass at Tobar Flainn would like to thank all who attended & for the generous donations on the night.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Jerry O’Connor, The Village, Abbbeydorney.
Removal will take place today Sunday from McElligotts Funeral Home Tralee at 8pm to St. Bernards Abbeydorney, Interment on Monday in Kyrie Eleison after 11oc Mass. R.I.P.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Sr.Rosalie Ryan, Holy Family Convent,
New bridge & Ballyconnell who died during the week.R.I.P.
Night at the Dogs; Abbeydorney/Kilflynn Church Fund night at Tralee Track will be held on Friday May 21st. Ist Race at 7.50 p.m. The two semi-finals of the Sweep takes place tonight with a winners prize of €1200 sponsored by the Oyster Tavern.
Congratulations to Anthony Glavin whose horse entered the winning enclosure at Galway last week.
Food Fair; A Craft & Food Fair will be held in the Parish Hall on Sunday May 23rd from 11 a.m to 6 p.m.
Eileen Flaherty won the Poker Classic on Wednesday night and Matt Dobbins was the winner Sunday night in McElligott's Bar. The winner of the 41 card drive on Saturday night was a three-way divide - N McElligott & Tom Horgan, N O'Connell & Baby Shanahan and Donal O'Connell who stepped in for T J McElligott and Anthony O'Callaghan.
Community Games; Abbeydorney/Kilflynn Community Games were held on Sunday May 2nd. A great day was had by all. Thanks to all who helped to organise the various events.
Well done to the Children of Abbeydorney National School who raised €1300 in a Skipaton in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation.
GAA; The Crotta/Abbeydorney Minor Hurlers advanced to the final of the Co. Minor League after a 4-9 to 1-8 victory over Ardfert.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs Elizabeth Moloney, Cappa, on the death of her mother Catherine Somers, Lyreacrompane.R.I.P.
 John Shanahan,Waterfall, Kilflynn, Fine Gael Local Election Candidate 2004 Tralee Electoral Area on the election trail in Abbeydorney earlier this evening. l/r, Gerry Jameson, Ned Hayes, John Shanahan, Dan Shanahan and Mundy Hayes.
Abbeydorney Golf Society travel to Adare Golf Club this Saturday, Captain Gerard Doyle has a time sheet in operation, contact Gerard at 086-8523117.
Mass for the Family Vocations Crusade (SMA Fathers) will be celebrated by Fr Tommy Wade (SMA) in St. Bernard’s Church, Abbeydorney tonight at 8.15 p.m. After Mass there will be a cup of tea in the Parish Hall.
Marriage Encounter is holding a weekend of enrichment for all married couples in the Lake Hotel, Killarney from 19th - 21st November. The weekend is open to all married couples and it provides an opportunity to strengthen and enrich the marriage commitment of couples. For further information on this weekend or others contact Dave & Anne Mahony 026 42579.
Ardfert Retreat Centre is holding a meditation weekend, Friday May 21st - Sunday May 23rd , directed by Fr Pat Murray, SCA. For bookings phone 7134276 or by email; ardfertretreat@eircom.net.
KDYS Fundraising Draw date is now May 23rd. Thanks to all who have supported the draw, please return sold books to KDYS Youth Centre. Tickets still available. Tel 068 - 23744
Mass for the Family Vocations Crusade (SMA Fathers) will be celebrated by Fr Tommy Wade (SMA) in St. Bernard’s Church, Abbeydorney on Monday 10th May at 8.15 p.m. After Mass there will be a cup of tea in the Parish Hall. All members of the Family Vocations Crusade and friends are more than welcome to attend.
 John Kirby at the Abbeydorney v Kilmoyley North Kerry Final in Abbeydorney this evening
The 2nd Annual Canadian Golf Classic in aid of the Kerry Hospice will be held on Saturday 22nd May at 12 noon in Castlegregory Golf Club. Entry fee €35 per person, includes 18 holes of golf, barbecue at Cronin’s Bar, Kilflynn and prizes. Draw for partners. Entries to Tom at (066) 7135116.
Kilflynn N.S - enrolment for junior infants for next September is now taking place. Enrolment forms are available from the school.
Lott fever continues to sweep the local community. The search goes on for a winner of the jackpot of €6,200 in the Crotta Hurling Club lottery draw. Last weeks numbers were 2,3,4 and 7 - no jackpot match. Tickets on sale in Murray’s shop, Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and from club lotto ticket sellers at € 2. This weeks draw will be held in Parker’s Bar on Monday night.
Sympathy is extended to the O'Sullivan family Droumcunig, Abbeydorney on the death of Thomas(Sonny). Removal will take place today Wednesday at 7.30 pm from Hogans Funeral Home Tralee to St. Bernard's Church, Abbeydorney. Requiem Mass tomorrow at 11.00 o’c Interment afterwards in Kyrie Eleison Cemetery. R.I.P.
Draw in aid of Abbeydorney Ladies Football Club;
- 1st Prize €150 - plus various other prizes including Beauty Treatment Voucher, Travel Voucher, Meals for 2, Meat Voucher, Video Rental Voucher, Bottle of Whiskey, Wine, etc.
Draw takes place on Friday 14th May 2004. Tickets €2 each.
 Pictured among the large gathering at Tobar Flainn.
Darts; Parker's Bar Kilflynn darts team qualified for the North Kerry Darts league semi-final when they drew with McElligott's Bar Abbeydorney.
Congratulations to Donie Conway, Derryvrin who won over €4000 in a Lucky 15 during the week
Sympathy is extended to the Noone & Conway family Ballinclogher on the death of Elizabeth Noone( nee Conway). Removal this Thursday evening at 8 o’c. from Sheehys Funeral Home Lixnaw to St Michaels Church Lixnaw, Requiem Mass on Friday at 11.30 o’c. Interment afterwards in Kiltomey Cemetery. R.I.P.
Sympathy is extended to Mary O’Leary Falvey, Tullacremin, Abbeydorney on the death of her aunt, Sheila Ann O’Connor, Brookline, Mass, U S A who died recently.R.I.P.
Community Transport; Kilflynn-Abbeydorney to Tralee every Friday, depart Kilflynn 12.30 p.m., depart Tralee 3.3.0 p.m. Anyone wishing to use this service can do so by calling 1890-528-528. Cost of travel €4 single or return. Free travel pass accepted on all services.
Winner of the weekly poker classic in McElligotts Bar was Cathy Buckley on Wednesday night and Jerry Doyle N.T Sunday night. The winners of the 41 card drive on Saturday night was Kathleen Casey O’Connell and Eileen McCarthy.
Youth 2000 Ireland are organising a festival of prayer and music for young people between the ages of 16 and 35. It will be held in the Ardfert Retreat Centre. Date; Friday, 30th April to Sunday, 2nd May.
Tobar Flainn, Kilflynn.
This Holy Well is situated in a secluded spot in the townland of Cloonafineela on the bank of the river Shanow. Both the well and the village get their names from St Flann who, according to legend, lived nearby as a hermit in a wattle cell in the seventh century. The well had previously been a place of pagan worship.
It appears that St. Flann had great devotion to Our Lady, who appeared to him in his old age and offered to restore his failing eyesight. He declined and begged her instead to put the gift of healing into the well waters. Flann is said to have blessed the well and used its waters for Baptism. From very early times local peoole have gone to the well, particularly in May each year to pray to Our Lady and wash their eys with the water.
In 1953 the local guild of Muintir Na Tire improved the surround of the well, provided concrete steps and a statue of the Blessed Virgin - all in preparation for the Marian Year of 1954. It was at this time that the practice of a procession to the well from the village was revived.
There was never a defined path through Power's land to the well, but that family generously facilitated visitors down the years. In the 1990s the then curate - Fr John Buckley - with the help of a local group carried out further improvements. A gravel pathway, through Power's field, was laid and fenced off providing easy access and an altar was built with stone from the river.
A procession to the well is held on May Eve each year and Mass is said at the well, weather permitting.
Tobar Flainn 50th Anniversary Mass on Friday, 30th April at 8.00 p.m. Assembling at the church at 7.30 p.m.
BTEI courses on introduction to Computers will commence on Tue May 4th,Courses are free to any Social Welfare recipents. Contact Nora 7131977
Sympathy is extended to Family of Molly Landers(nee Sheehah)late of Boheroe Abbeydorney who died recently in Canada.R.I.P.
24/04/ 2004
Care group meeting in Abbeydorney School Hall on Wed 28th at 8.30.
24/04/ 2004
Abbeydorney / Kilflynn Community Games will be held in Abbeydorney Sportsfield on Sunday , 2nd May at 2pm.
Photo Gallery, Dan Brassil Irish Cup pictures now in the Album.
Congratulations to Vivian and Bobby Ycasas Abbeydorney Village on the birth of their baby boy.
Congratulations to Helen O'Sullivan, Riverside Close, Abbeydorney who won €50 in the Super 8s lottery Draw,funds in aid of the Parish Hall Building Fund.
Sympathy is extended to Nuala Brassil, Cahernade Abbeydorney on the
death of her brother in law Seamus O’Donnell. R.I.P.
Removal tomorrow Friday at 7 o’c. from the Gleasure Funeral Home Tralee to St
Mary’s Church Camp
Requiem Mass on Saturday at 12 o’c.
Interment afterwards in New Cemetery Camp
A Coursing Club has been formed in Kilflynn, the first meet to take place this December.
President: Neilly O'Connell
Chairman: Pat O'Neill
Secretary: Eileen Flaherty
Photo Gallery, I C A now in the Album.
Check out the Photo Gallery, St Patricks Day Parade, many new additions in the coming weeks
The 50th Anniversary Mass at Tobair Flainn, Kilflynn will take place on Friday 30th May at 8pm, please assemble at the Church at 7.30pm for procession to the well.
The Crotta Hurling Club lotto was not won this week, next Monday night the Jackpot will be €5900.
Tickets at €2 are now on sale in Murry’s Shop, Cronin’s Bar, Parkers Bar and from Club Lotto ticket sellers and in Abbeydorney from Paudie Twomey.
Sympathy is extended to Marion O’Mahony and family Clounametigh Abbeydorney on the
death of her father John Falvey the Kerries Tralee and formerly of Garrynagnore Lixnaw.R.I.P.
Removal tomorrow Wednesday at 7 o’c. from the Gleasure Funeral Home Tralee to St
John’s Church.
Requiem Mass on Thursday at 11.15 o’c.
Interment afterwards in Rath Cemetery
Sympathy is extended to Betty O’Connor and family Lisereen Abbeydorney on the
death of her Brother John Falvey the Kerries Tralee and formerly of Garrynagnore Lixnaw.R.I.P.
Abbeydorney Gun Club €1000 Holiday Voucher to be won, tickets are now available from members.
Ticket sales restricted to over 18’s
Draw will take place on the 3rd July at Abbeydorney Parish Hall
Abbeydorney Development Committee would like to thank Abbeydorney Gun Club for their contribution of €650 to the Development Fund.
Following their very successful production of The Chastitute Abbeydorney Dramatic Society are to stage the play one more time in aid of the R T E people in need fundraiser, date to be announced.
I'm searching for roots O'Mahony & Scollard. They left Abbeydorney or area in 1842 to come to the USA. Patrick O'Mahoney left with 3 sons one also named Patrick. The older Patrick died on ship the younger married Catherene Scollard daughter of Nicholas Scollard also from Abbeydorney. They are my great grandfather, great grandmother and Great, Great grandfather. . If any of this ring a bell or think they just might be related please email me. God Bless you all.
Carolyn Cullison, Virginia, USA.
E-Mail: kitsing@mindspring.com
Sympathy is extended to the Fealy family on the death of John Fealy (Senior), Kilbricane, Abbeydorney.R.I.P.
Removal will take place on Sunday from McElligotts Funeral Home, Tralee to St. Bernard's Church, Abbeydorney.
Requiem Mass on Monday at 11.00 o’c
Interment afterwards in Kyrie Eleison Cemetery.
St Bernards Parish: Pastoral council meeting on Monday 26th April in the Presbytery at 8pm.
Congratulations to Conor and Roisin Kearney on the birth of their baby boy,
The Kerry Red Cross wishes to thank all the participants and supporters of their recent concert held in Abbeydorney Parish hall, it was a great success and raised €5000.
St Bernards Parish: Night at the Dogs Committee meeting in the Presbytery
On Thursday 22nd April at 9pm.
Crotta / O’Dorney minor hurlers had a convencing victory over Ballyduff in the County minor league played in Dromakee
The death of Kathleen Dunne (nee Shanahan),Park Place, Tralee and late of Abbeydorney Village. R.I.P. Removal will take place on Tuesday from the Bon Secours Hospital to St. Bernard's Church, Abbeydorney. Interment on Wednesday in Kyrie Eleison Cemetery Abbeydorney.
Sympathy is extended to the McKenna family on the death of John McKenna, Killahan, Abbeydorney.R.I.P. Removal will take place on Sunday from Stack's Funeral Home, Lixnaw to St. Bernard's Church, Abbeydorney. Interment on Monday in Kyrie Eleison Cemetery.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Nora Philomena Bookey (nee Cronin), Ferry Road, Leigh, Ballyduff, Tralee.R.I.P. Removal will take place on Tuesday from Lawlor's Funeral Home, Ballyduff to St. Peter & Paul's Church, Ballyduff. Interment on Wednesday in Kiltomey Cemetery, Lixnaw.
Kerry Senior Hurling Championship
Abbeydorney v Kenmare July 18th
Crotta O'Neills v Causway July 18th