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September, 2002

Cork Institute of Technology

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Cork Institute of Technology


Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown, Cork City  Telephone  tel.gif (2905 bytes)+ 353.[0]21. 326100

bulletThe college offers a wide range of courses leading to National Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Department of Education, City and Guilds of London Institute and other awards. A handbook with details of all such courses is available on request from the colleges.

ACCS (Accumulation of Credits and Certification of Subjects)  This provides an excellent way for Adult students to work towards national awards at there own pace. Awards may be attained by gradually building up grades for individual over time, to full qualification standard. For details contact the National Council for Education Awards, 26 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1. tel.gif (2905 bytes) 01- 8741562.

bulletAPL Scheme (Accreditation of Prior Learning) This is a system whereby an individual can gain academic credit for knowledge or skills acquired through life, work, experience and / or previous study. For details contact the DEIS Department, CIT Bishopstown, Cork. tel.gif (2905 bytes) 326441
bulletThe Ladder System,This is a flexible way providing opportunities for students to complete their studies at different levels - Certificate, Dipomla, Degree, Professional and Postgraduate.
bulletSummer School in Information Technology, Computer Application and Communication Systems.

Cork Institute of Technology

Social & General Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326328
B.A Degree in Public Management Adult Health & Fitness Programme Counselling
Introduction to the European Union Adult Return to Learning Sign Language.Care Assistant
Introduction to Philosophy Personal Development  

Cork Institute of Technology

Tourism & Catering Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326281
Pasty & Cake Decorating Bartenders Retaining Course Food Service/Dining Room Retaining Course
Irish Home Hospitality

Cork Institute of Technology

Nautical Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326206
Yachtsmaster Marine Engine Maintenance

Cork Institute of Technology

Business Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326328
Management Accountancy / Book Keeping Finance
Marketing Personnel Management Industrial Engineering
Language - German Professional Selling Skills Computer - Typing, Word-processing, Accounts
Operate your own Business Road Transport  

Cork Institute of Technology

Mathematics & Computing tel.gif (2905 bytes)326281
Computer Programming C Programming Course Software Development
Object Orientated Programming Data Communication & Networks Using C + +
Internet JAVA  

Cork Institute of Technology

Printing, Graphics & Editorial Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326226
Desktop Publishing & Design Diploma in Public Relations

Cork Institute of Technology

Scientific Studies tel.gif (2905 bytes)326328
Physics Applied Physics & Instrumentation Industrial Measurement & Control
Biology Biological Sciences Microbiology
Chemistry Applied Chemistry Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
Management Quality Assurance & Management Safety & Health at work

Cork Institute of Technology

email contacts
CIT.equal opportunities centre E-mail-



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