Events 2005/2006
Parent/teacher meetings; 23rd of November 2005
Swimming:September to Christmas 2005 for 2nd to 6th classes.
Gaeity Pantomime trip; 24th of January 2006
Music in the Classroom in the Helix; 6th February 2006 for 4th to 6th class.
First Penance; April 4th at 7:30pm in Allenwood Church
First Eucharist; 14th May 2006 at 10:00am in Allenwood Church.
Confirmation; 28th March 2006 at 2:00pm in Allenwood Church.
Junior school tour; 26th May 2006 to Playzone, Celbridge and Barge Trip to Lowtown (Jnr. Inf. to 1st inclusive).
Senior school tour; 7th June 2006 to National Aquatic Centre and Castletown House (2nd to 6th inclusive).
Parish Sports;
Other events will be added as they are organized during the year.