Going on Holiday Abroad


1.      Find your destination in an atlas

2.      In which direction does it lie from Ireland?

3.      Look at travel times ---24 hour clock

4.      How long does the flight take?

5.      Is there a time difference between your holiday destination and Ireland?

6.      Explore the arrival and departure times adjusting for time difference.

7.      Find out some facts about your host country-----language, currency, capital, size, population etc.

8.      Use common greetings in the language of your host country

9.      Buy a map of your resort and familiarise yourself with your surroundings-----identify north, south, east and west.

10.  Where is the sea relative to your accomodation? The supermarket? The town centre?

11.  Look at the street names. Can you guess what they mean?

12.  Can you guess what the road signs say?

13.  Examine the local currency. Even if its € the coins will have national symbols

14.  Try some local cuisine. You can have chicken and chips anywhere!!!

15.  Compare dawn and sunset times to those at home

16.  Record the daytime and evening time temperatures. Graph them.

17.  Compare the cost of similar items to their cost in Ireland

18.  Examine the car registration system. Is it similar to that used in Ireland?

19.  If going on trips use your map to plan the journey, identify the town and villages on route and any interesting landmarks etc.

Have Lots of Fun


Homework Hints
