The Mummer's Feile derives from the ancient practice of Wren Boys, which probably goes back to pagan times. The Wren Boys, having hunted and killed a wren, (this no longer happens) go around from house to house collecting money to "bury the wran" (sic). They play music, sing and dance, and relate fanciful stories, often incorporating local people. In former times the money collected was used to fund a wran (sic) dance, to which all were invited. Today it is more likely to be used to be used to defray expenses. The connection with Woodford arose from an old fair, which used to be held on 26th December and was a focal point for Wren Boys. When the fairs died out about 30 years ago (cattle are now sold in marts in the bigger towns) the mummers feile was started and was later extended to a two day festival on the 26th and 27th December each year. This brings large crowds into Woodford and the Wren Boy groups travel around from pub to pub entertaining the people. More formal competitions are held in the Tommy Larkin's Hall on the second day. Prizes are given based on adjudication in the Pubs and for the competitions in the hall.
Contact: Mrs Marie McMahon
Tel: 353-509-49248
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