This is our school group. We have 32 pupils in the school at present. Our  teachers are Ms. Loughlin  and Mr. Gallagher.
Back Row L. to R. : Mr. Gallagher, Brana, Fern,  David ,Emma, Mark , Florence, Rory, Cathal, Ms. Loughlin.   
2nd Row L. to R. : ,Callum, Martin, Isabelle, Heather, Mariea, Kierian, Anita, Chantelle, Ciarán.
Front Row L. to R. : Edwina, Mary , Martha, Hannah, Robin, Cathal, Daniel, Dean, Terry.

Name: Mark
Age: 10

Fav. Colour: blue
Fav.food: ice-cream
T.V. Programme: Simpson's               
Fav. Subject :PE

Likes: sport
Dislikes: school

Hobbies:  Gaelic, Soccer & cycling
Ambition: To play for Leitrim in Gaelic
Person(s): I would  like to meet: Stephen Gerard

To contact us:

Phone: (071) 64757
Email: ardvarney.ias@eircom.net