Well Bosses

Arky's Site

Welcome to my homepage.This site has been constructed by me, Arky, for the total and utter laugh.After spending the past two years studying Computer Systems in the University of Limerick in Ireland I became guilty at my lazyness so I decided to try and expand my knowledge, so here I am tackling the not too strenuous task of constructing a web page.

This is a test so when I get the page up on a server I'll put something more interesting in it.

Over the next while hopefully I'll develop an ability to integrate some sort of database or something with this HTML, I've heard that Perl, Javascript or CGI..or something are handy, but since my knowledge is rather limited I shall learn as I go.

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The Boys

My Lover




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Section One

When I get some time I'll add a bit of interesting stuff in here

The Boys:

My Friends

At the moment as I write this I suppose that most of the boys and girlies back in UL in Limerick that I know are studying, well.., thinking about studying for the forth coming exams so good luck...and HAHAHAHAHHAHA!...I don't have any till next January 2001.

Take It!

Anyway click here for some info on a band of rogues

My Lover:

My Lover

Here is my girlie Niamhy, click on the picture for a better picture or two.


My Co-op in Germany

At the moment I'm here in Munich, Germany, on Co-0p from University.Take a look at the map below if you do not already know where Munich is.

Here is my news from Munich


Section 5

Some nerdy phrase for a computer.I was stuck for words and it was the first thing that popped into my head so there you go.


Section 6

Again, need I say more than Paudie Murphy...?!