Mass Rock & Holy WELLS

There was a mass rock in the parish which was situated near a fort longside Donoghue's field in Ballinakill. The Castlemahon history group recently erected a plaque to mark the sight of the mass rock for future generations, also in memory of all the priests who died and were buried in the parish.


The Baptist Well

In the parish of Mahoonagh, there is a celebrated holy well known as Tobar Eoin Baiste or Baptist well. It is a clear pool about 20ft in diameter with a clear bubbling spring and is also surrounded with a wall and a neat round path. It is told that St. Patrick passed this way 1,500 years ago and for the first time told the story of John the Baptist and dedicated the well to his memory.The well is situated at Cooliska Castlemahon, and is known for curing eye diseases. There is a statue of John the Baptist at this well, this statue was imported from France in 1951. The feast day of John the Baptist is on the 29th of August. The rosary is recited at this well; there use to be an old Ash tree over hanging the well but this has been removed. It was claimed that you could see the print of St. John's knees on the trunk of the tree. The old Ash tree was rumoured to be 1500 years old, and wood from it could not burn. Rags are tied to the new tree as a sign of offering to the well.

White Well

The White Well is situated in the townland in Moanroe. Long ago a parishioner is known to have been cured at this well. Legends have said that an old lady washing clothes at this well has seen the well move. The White Well has been taken over by the County Council in 1973. It can supply a half a million gallons per day. The well is supplying the parish with water, as well as some of the surrounding county districts.