Waterline Model of Production
Platform and Supply Boat

The production platform "North Cormorant" in the North Sea, 160 km off Shetland Islands. The platform was built in a French shipyard at Cherbourg and lowed 1400 km to its location. The entire platform was installed between May and August 1981 and commenced production in December. Pipelines deliver the gas and oil to the Shetlands. The platform deck has a total area of 4000 square meters with a height of 170 meters and a weight of 24500 tons.

During the construction period the "North Cormorant" housed 240 men. During production a crew of 100 oil men serve on her. The platform is in a sea depth of some 500 feet and is anchored to the sea bed with 32 giant "Steel Nails". The most adverse weather conditions in the world are in the area. Supply - Boats serving the platform day and night and there is always a supply boat on stand by.

The model was made and donated to the "Foynes Library" by H. W. Dietrich.