Courtenay School

Courtenay National School, Gortboy,
Newcastle West,
Co. Limerick.

Principal: Mrs. Rena Culhane
Chairperson: Fr. Frank O'Dea
Phone: (069) 62638

Our School Crest!

Board Of Management

Tom McMahon
Richard Collins
Mary Lee
Joan Whelan
Daphne Casey
Mick Mc Quinn


Caitríona Bn Ui Chatláin
Cáitlín Uí Táilliúra
Éilís De Staic
Daifne Bn Uí Chathasaigh
Gearóidín Bn Uí Mhaonaigh
Úna Mhic Chormaic
Maírín Uí Bhrosnacháin
 Diarmuid O' Concubhair
Ailín Ní Chuinneagáin
Máire Ní Riordáin
Maireád Ní Chearra
Úna Ní Chonchúir
Gearóidín Uí Ghadhra
Áine Ní Chonormhaoile


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Click to Enlarge!

Educational Philosophy
In the Courtenay School we aim to promote the fullest possible development of the child socially, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually so that he/she may:

  • Lead A full enjoyable life as a child

  • Be prepare to avail of further education

  • Be able to contribute to society as an adult and enjoy leisure time

School Day



1:20-2:30pm(senior classes)

School Uniform

Grey pants, Grey jumper, Blue shirt and Wine tie.


Self-confidence and independence and a co-operative spirit among the pupils
Respect and kindness to all
Participation in the enjoyment of creative artistic and physical activity

The Courtenay School is located in Bishop Street and is a short distance from the town square. The School owes it's name and it's origins to Sir William Courtenay, Earl of Devon who established the Courtenay School in 1706. The original school was built in a laneway between Maiden Street and the river Arra, but in 1826 a three roomed dressed limestone building was built on the present school site. In the mid 1950's a new five roomed building replaced the old, and in 1976 further expansion was necessary and another new wing was added.

The present day Courtenay School is a large modern building, with classes from Junior Infants to Sixth Class, three units catering for children with special needs and a speech and language unit opened in the school in May 2000. As well as 15 teachers, there is also a speech and language therapist and several class room assistants. The school has a full time learning support teacher and 2 full time resource teachers.

Click on Images to enlarge!!

The Courtenay is well resourced having separate play areas for each age group and a large hall for P.E., well stocked with the necessary equipment for a range of sports. This hall is also a perfect venue for our annual Christmas play.

Classrooms have their own computer and there is a central computer room containing 12 computers, with printers and a scanner. All pupils have access to Internet and E-mail.

Music and drama play a large part in the curriculum. Boys from 3rd-6th class sing in the school choir and perform not only in the school but at all religious ceremonies in the parish church.

School trips/ Outings take place from the school on a regular basis. Teachers organise trips to the Belltable theatre in Limerick, the Cork Opera House, Limerick Concert Hall etc.

It is of great benefit to the school to have Newcastle West Library next door. Students exchange their books here on a weekly basis. All students take part in local Art competitions and a visit round the school is testimony to the emphasis of Art & Craft in the school.

There is a strong element of sport in the Courtenay School particularly innboth Gaelic football and Hurling. At various times basketball and soccer has been played at team level while other sports such as uni-hoc, olympic handball, indoor tennis and tag rugby are played during P.E. lessons.

The school has provided the main base for Newcastle West hurling and football teams down through the years. A walk down through the school corridor will reveal photos of school teams from the past that later went on to bring county glory to Newcastle West at all age levels in both hurling and football.

Our pupils continue to have a huge appetite for sport and we are certain that some of them will go on to further glory in their respective sports. The school will continue to nurture and encourage them along that road.

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Researched and Developed for As Dúchas Dóchas© Copyright 2002