Gaelscoil Ó Doghair


Gaelscoil O Doghair
Castle Demense
Newcastle West
Co. Limerick

Principal:  Daithí Ó Múrchú
Phone:(069) 61087

We wish to extend a "Céad Míle Fáilte" to you and hope you enjoy our work in Gaelscoil Ó Doghair, the all Irish primary school here in Newcastle West.

As a gaelscoil we believe that we have a lot to offer now and in the future. Many of our dreams have already been realised in realised in Gaelscoil, this page will hopefully give you a glimpse of life with us.


"All Irish Education for a brighter future"

At Gaelscoil, we are proud to provide a curriculum which is very innovative.

Subject areas are;
Math's, English, Gaelic, History, Geography, Civics, Nature Study, P.E.
 Music, Art & Crafts, Dance & Drama, Religion, Science, French, German, European Studies and Computer Studies.

Extra Curricular Activities

Our Extra Curricular activities include swimming to traditional singing, from trips to the Gaeltacht to trips abroad, From school band to All- Ireland and International Competitions, From sports to surfing the Internet. The team philosophy at Gaelscoil, which we are very proud of, is that all children are invited to participate in each and every extra curricular activity.



The Future

"has anyone got the courage to reach into the future of All Irish Education with us?"

  • We Have 9 acres of land on which to build

  • The building of a preschool Gaelscoil and Gaelcholáiste all on one campus.

  • The provision for further adult 3rd Level Education.

  • The building of a Halla Siamsa.

  • Drop-in-centre for the promotion of Irish tradition and culture.

  • A running track and playing fields for the future of our national games.



Since 1990 the students of Gaelscoil have been involved in European exchanges. As early as 1991 the pupils visited and set up their first pen-pal exchange with another Gaelic School in Wales. They have also been in correspondence with schools in Russia, Austria, France, U.K., Holland, Sweden and Germany.

In 1997 Gaelscoil Ó Doghair played host to visitors from six European Countries. In 1995 Gaelscoil became one of the first schools in Ireland to be chosen as co-ordinator for the new socrates, COMENIUS Action 1, Program launched by the E.C. Gaelscoil believes that our European programs enhance the pupils willingness and enjoyment of other languages, and in particular allows them to see the intrinsic value of their own "Gaeilge"


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Researched and Developed for As Dúchas Dóchas© Copyright 2002