Scoil Mhuire & Íde
Newcastle West
Co. Limerick.

Principal:S Mahony Kennedy
Vice Principal: Mr. P. Geary
Telephone: (069) 62443
Fax: (069 )61497

School Day:
School hours are from 9.00a.m.- 3.30p.m. with nine class periods per day. Lunchtime is from 1.00p.m.-1.45p.m. Evening study is available from 4.00pm-6.00p.m.


Welcome to Scoil Mhuire & Íde, this page is not only an introduction to our school but more importantly it is an invitation for all to come and see for themselves the educational opportunities we can offer to those entering the transition from primary to second level education.

Sheilagh O' Mahony Kennedy.

Mission Statement

"Our vocation and purpose at Scoil Mhuire & Íde is to have our students to take their place in society as educated mature and committed Christians, we want our school to not only be a centre of academic excellence but a caring community where personal faith is nurtured and developed"


Board Of Managment

Chairman: David Cahill
Secretary: Ms. S. O'Mahony Kennedy

  • Mons. Liam Boyle, P.P.

  • Dereck Heverin

  • Mary Lee

  • Daphne Casey

  • Liam Doab

  • Joan Whelan

  • James Egan

Sheilagh O'Mahony Kennedy

Patrick Geary
Vice Principal


  • To create a caring environment in which everyone recognises the value of each individual and to encourage an awareness of , and response to the needs of others.
  • To foster an appetite for learning and to develop self-discipline, initiative, responsibility and perseverance.
  • To involve the students in the life-long process of education and to ensure that everyone achieves some degree of success in their life.
  • Facilitites:

    Computer Rooms

  • Science Labs
  • Language Labs
  • Music & Drama Area
  • Food Studies Area
  • Textiles Area
  • Art, Craft & Design Area
  • Technical Graphics Room
  • Canteen/ Lockers
  • Gym/ Dressing Rooms
  • Sports Grounds
  • Remedial Room

Camogie with Ms O'Connor & Home Economics with Ms. O' Callaghan

Computers with Ms O' Sullivan & Rugby with Ms. O' Connor

Extra- Curricular Activities

Students are encouraged to develop their talents but taking part in a wide variety of school, local and national competitions. Each year our students go to Europe, trips that are recognised as cultural education. Places visited include: Paris; Barcelona; Geneva and Annecy



Coaching is provided in many of the following activities during lunchtime and after school.

  • Football (Girls & Boys)
  • Rugby
  • Basketball
  • Hurling & Camogie
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Athletics

Cultural Activities

  • School Choir
  • School Concert
  • Traditional Irish Music
  • Vodafone Young Scientist of the year competition.
  • Inter-class & Inter-school debates
  • Quiz's
  • Artistic Club

Fund Raising

Students have been involved in numerous fund-raising activities and charity work including Concern Fast, Trocaire Fast, Holly Day, Daffodil Day and Care Bear Day. Every Christmas food and toys are collected for S.V.D.P. In January funds are raised for Rathfredagh. Currently "Self Help Africa" a scheme to raise EUR7000 OVER 3 years.

Junior Cycle Subjects offered:

Religion, Gaeilge, English, Maths, History, Geography, French, German, Science, Home Economics, Art, Technographics, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Music, Spanish, Civic, Social & Political Ed.(C.S.P.E), Social, Personal and Health Ed. (S.P.H.E.), Career Guidance and P.E.

Senior Cycle Subjects offered:

Religion, Gaeilge, English, Maths, History, Geography, French, German, Computer Studies, Music, Home Economics, Art, Accounting, Economics, Business, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Ag. Science, Typing, Applied Maths, Career Guidance, P.E. and L.C.V.P. (Leaving Cert. Vocational Programme)

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.)

This year sees the first exam of the L.C.V.P. in S.M.Í. co-ordinated by Joan Cahill and Nodlaig FitzGerald. The course develops the pupils communication skills and encourages the team work spirit. It is an additional Subject for the Leaving Certificate that students are being encouraged to take which is recognised by National Universities and Institutes of Technology.

Transition Year Programme

This is to promote the personal, social, educational and vocational development of the students and to prepare them for their role as participative and responsible members of society. Students who opted for Transition Year are more self-reliant learners when they enter Third Level Education.

Student Council

A student council consisting equally of fifth and sixth year students is set up annually. They organise school discos for fundraising and also Saturday Study. Lectures on topics such as bullying and substance abuse are also organised by the council.

Parents Council

A parents council is also in operation functioning as a liaison in regard to events happening at a local and national level. All parents are encouraged to join the parents council in S.M.I.

The first full scale production of Joseph at S.M.I. by students was a huge success. The expertise of Oliver Hurley of Siamsa Tire( Tralee) and musical Director Colm O'Brien of Listowel's singers fame guaranteed superb performances on all seven occasions.

We Hope at S.M.I. that you enjoyed your experience at S.M.I. on line. For a prospectus or further information don't hesitate to contact

Ms. Sheilagh O' Mahony Kennedy
@ (069) 62443

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