A Home-Study Professional Certification


This is a straight forward program. No trick questions, just simple-to-follow

material that will allow you to reach your goals now!


We show you how to start your own personal training business, and make more money while working less.


EXAMPLE #1: Work at a club and make €15-€30 per hour.

 That's good, yet you can start your own business, have total freedom, go to people's homes or community recreation centers, and really make a great living.


EXAMPLE #2: Train people at their homes (or your home) at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00 AM and be done for the day. Charge €40 per hour and make €160. What will you do with all your free time?

 Many of our graduates have built a workout room at their home and now earn well over €1,000 per week and work less than 40 hours per week with no travel time and expense.


 The Program Now Includes two FREE Instructional audio CDs

FREE CD #1 Business Ideas and Applications

FREE CD #2 Program Design and Safety



 Prove you have the knowledge...... Get CERTIFIED Today!

If you are now just entering the fitness industry,

this is the program you will need to succeed!

Do it right the first time!



Requirements for certification:

Passing grades on home-study test, demonstration video, essays, interviews and simple project.


Expected time for completion: Three weeks to two months. You may take any length of time to complete the program!  


Who should complete this program?

Anyone who wants the opportunity to become a successful fitness professional. This can include gym owners, coaches, consultants, weight loss counselors, and individuals who are all ready certified by other organizations. People who already have taken various other NESTA programs may also want to complete this program to improve their status. Graduates from this program work in a variety of settings in over 35 states and five countries.


Why should I complete this program now?

It's one of NESTA's most advanced programs and an excellent foundation for your career. Our Certified Personal Trainer program will cover the important aspects of business practices, as well as client programming, anatomy, physiology, equipment selection, fitness assessment, free weights, machine exercises, sports conditioning, teen exercise, safety and much more. It is a simple, time-efficient method to get the certification you need to succeed now. Becoming a Certified Personal Trainer is the single best thing you can now do because you want to be successful. Having this credential is expected as a base level of understanding to teach fitness and weight training.


Will you describe the program for me?

The Certified Personal Trainer multiple choice and true-or-false test is 125 questions. It covers a wide range of material. It also includes two incredible instructional videos. The first is "The One Hour Workout." This video will teach you how to design and implement a one hour weight training program that will enable you to train your clients' entire body evenly. You will be given multiple exercise options for each muscle group. The exercises demonstrated will be on equipment that can be found at a gym and/or home gym setting. Machines, pulleys, and free weights will be used. After viewing this video, you will be able to precisely maintain a time frame for the training session. At each five minute increment of the hour, you will know where you should be in the program so that you finish exactly on time. The second video is "Warm-ups and Assisted Stretching Techniques." It carefully teaches you how to complete a proper warm-up, cool down and assisted stretches with your clients.


This expanded program now includes two audio CDs.

CD #1 explains different business and money making opportunities for a NESTA Certified Personal Trainer. You will be exposed to several new and time-tested ideas for making a great living as a Certified Personal Trainer.


CD #2 explains fundamentals of developing a client's exercise program. Topics covered include terminally, exercise sequencing, safety, spotting, core stability, and more.



In addition, you will be required to make a home video of yourself performing the following exercises: barbell squat, pulsing lunge, squat, toe raise on platform (calf raise), bench press, push-ups, bent over row, overhead press, tricep push down, dumbbell bicep curl and abdominal crunch on the floor. You will also video tape yourself showing a client (or friend) how to perform three of the stretches demonstrated on the Warm-up and Stretching video. This is all filmed on a simple home video camera. If you currently have limited access to the exercise equipment needed, let us know. We have substitution exercises you may perform for your demonstration. Details will be mailed with your material.


The video doesn't need to be elaborate by any means. You will only be graded on technique of the exercises. Perform 10-12 repetitions of each exercise. Stop taping and move to the next exercise. Keep the video short and to the point. Be certain to do a brief introduction of yourself at the beginning. All tapes must be returned with completed test papers. Tapes will only be accepted in full-size VHS, VHS-C & 8mm format. We have the adapter for VHS-C & 8mm tapes. You will perform the weight lifting exercises in the video, and your client (friend) will be performing the stretches based on your instruction. We are frequently told that this is a fun aspect of the program. Write your complete name and phone number on the outside of the tape case. 

NOTE: Frequently we are asked, "What if I'm not currently in my best shape for the demonstration video?" That is not important to us. Your ability to explain breathing, posture, and technique is what we desire.



Also, You are required to complete brief essays.

 The grading of the essays is based on the following: 80% content & 20% punctuation and grammar. They must be typed and submitted at the same time as your home-study test and demonstration video. Please contact us with any questions.


You also interview two existing trainers with a series of questions and draw conclusions as to how you will run your business from what you have learned. This is designed to help you make the most of your fitness business. Details will be mailed.



Total cost of the program, which includes:

two instructional videos,

two audio CDs,,

unlimited e-mail support,

the test itself,

review of your test, essays, and demonstration video,

camera-ready NESTA CERTIFIED logos,

laminated wallet ID card,

lifetime NESTA membership,

access to the online NESTA NEWS bulletin,

our mailing costs,

discount membership to IAMBP - International Association of Mind-Body Professionals (optional), and

certificate and reccomended Extra text books Books is just €700.