All animal life depends on the existence of plants. They are necessary to produce Oxygen, to supply food and to provide shelter.

Herbalism is probably the oldest form of Medicine and when early man started to look for a cure for his ailments it was towards plants that he turned. In second Century Greece, the Physician Galen spoke of plant remedies and this tradition has remained popular until the introduction of many of our modern medicines of around 75% of are derived from herbs.

Herbalism is based on the observation of the benefits of herbs that have been tried and tested for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

this section has been written and designed to give the Student total skills in the field of Herbal Medicine, and using modern techniques the ancient art of Herbalism has been brought into the Twentieth Century.

Herbal remedies can help to heal many chronic conditions when conventional drugs can only relieve the symptoms. They are gentle yet powerful healers that can help restore and rebalance body and mind.

In this extremely informative study course, with its encyclopedic nature of herbal preparations and basic health principals of natural healing, the Student is fully prepared for their role as a Herbalist.




Subjects included in the Course.

General Disease

Astringents Herbs

Emmenagouge Herbs


Antispasmodic Herbs

Cleansing Program

The Alternative Herbs

Purgative Herbs

Expectorant Herbs

Nervine Herbs

Tonic Herbs

Regenerative Diet

Vermifuge Herbs

Diuretic Herbs

Demulcent Herbs

Stimulant Herbs

World of Herbs

Herb Alternatives

The World of Herbs

History of Herbal Medicine

Healthy Cooking with Herbs

Natural Cosmetics

Poultices, Pills and Tisanes

Preparations used in Herbalism

Warm Herbs

Herbal Tonics

Herb Vinegars

Skin Care

Herbal Baths

Cooling Herbs


Herb Bouquets

Herb Salts

Natures Pharmacy