It is recomended that this course be taken in conjunction with the Anatomy & physiology course.When you massage a client you will be applying pressure to different parts of their body, a part may be sensitive or a medical condition may exist. By studying Anatomy & Physiology, you will know which organ that part of the body corresponds to and can offer better advice to your client. you will also be able to talk knowledgeably with your client, also when a client complains about pain when performing a particular task you will know which muscles or groups of muscles are employed in the execution of that movement and adapt your massage technique to suit.

If you do not wish to study A&P you may take this course on its own.


Course price includes the following

*  Reading material printed and bound

*  Full video showng complete sequence

*  Home massage cd-rom

*  Tests

*  Email support

*  Postage and packing

*  Certificate of Completion



Subjects included in the Course.

*Purpose and definition of massage

*Contra indications to massage

*History, theory and philosophy of body massage

*Swedish massage / Holistic / Oil

*Massage medium - oil and talcum powder (when to use)

*Designing a consultation card

*The holistic approach (treating the whole person)

*Psychological and physiological effects of massage

*Mechanical massage theory

*The classical movements and therapeutic effect of each: Effleurage, Petrissage, Tapotment, Hacking,   Cupping, Kneading, Vibration and Friction

*Professionalism, ethics, client support, hygiene and equipment

*Client care and modesty

*Taking case histories

How to set up a practice

*Home visiting

*Record keeping


2. The practice of massage

* A complete sequence of body Massage including Face, neck, front of shoulder, abdomen, front and back of arms and legs, upper thighs, back