Baby Matters

Baby and Infant Massage

"The Power of Touch"

Most parents will instinctively stroke their babies right from the moment of birth as it has a very calming effect. Massage is touch in its most positive form, which most babies and children love. Baby and infant massage is a simple gentle process proven to help ease colic, digestive problems, fussiness and a host of other common discomforts in babies and children. Doctors world wide are now recognising the positive effects that massage is having on infants health and well being.

Baby Matters and Infant Baby Massage offers a unique parenting resource designed to teach effective massage techniques. The session shows you how to touch and massage in a gentle, nurturing way that not only satisfies your baby's need for touch but also helps you both to begin to communicate. It is so simple that any member of the family including baby's care-giver can learn and share in the experience.

Also included in this session is an introduction to the use of essential aromatherapy oils in the home setting - as a non invasive aid to preventative medicine. Our children are the promise of a brighter future - where a healthy diet, exercise and complementary 'Natural' medicine must surely take its place.

I would encourage you to set aside a little bit of time to give your baby this gift of loving touch. The session is great fun, enjoyed by mums, dads, grandparents and carers alike, and will be something you and your baby will benefit from, into childhood and indeed beyond.

For bookings / more information on either of the above sessions - call Julie O'Connor RGN RM IBCLC at;

Baby Matters 01 - 6232886 or

Home Services