Camp 2000 - Group Pictures 

Kandersteg25.jpg (28611 bytes) Official Group picture of Region at the special mass before travelling 
Kandersteg53.jpg (23243 bytes) Eoghan, Colin, David, Darran, Peter & James - patrol picture in Fishguard
Kandersteg54.jpg (20440 bytes) Cian, James, Colm, Alan, Patrick & Kieran - patrol picture in Fishguard
Kandersteg55.jpg (17637 bytes) Ruaraí, Kevin, David, William, John & Eoin - patrol picture in Fishguard
Kandersteg18.jpg (20475 bytes) Richard, Kevin, Alan, Bryan, Stjohn, Stepehn, James & Brian - Ventueres on top of Oceanesse
Kandersteg27.jpg (27277 bytes) Ger (Passage) Niall, Tony, Tony  (Driver), Mark, Bobby, Kieran, David & Martin - Leaders picture with JJ Kavanaghs bus ! 
Kandersteg28.jpg (29865 bytes) Ballinlough Scouts, Venturers & Leaders on the Ferry leaving Fishguard
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