Scouts > Recent Activities > Melvin 2000 


This year we finished 3rd place overall, which was one place better than last year.  Congratulations to all involved on the team and the training panel and to all who helped out.

Congratulations also to the 80th Cork (Little Island) who came in 2nd place and to the Winners - 3rd Waterford (De La Salle)



This years Melvin consisted of a campcraft, public speaking on the topic of mental health, campfire sketches, a trekcart race and 2 days of mini base activities on a fun theme. 


If you want to send a message to our team, why not Sign our guest book ? 

You can also view our guest book and see what others have said about our website and unit View our guest book



Have a look at some of the pictures taken at the Melvin Trophy Competitition in  Larch Hill National Campsite in Dublin. What a relaxed looking bunch of people ! 


© 2000   38th/40th Cork CSI