Features > Camp 2000 > Oceanesse
Kandersteg20.jpg (25964 bytes) VIew from the Chair lift - it's a long way down !
Kandersteg49.jpg (28123 bytes) Mmm - Chips just waht you need on top of a mountain !
Kandersteg50.jpg (25889 bytes) Taking a break on the walk back down !
Kandersteg19.jpg (13725 bytes) Kevin & Ruaraí look happy to be going up the mountain on the chair lift 
July 2000
Kandersteg18.jpg (20475 bytes) What an exciting bunch ! - Balinlough Venturers
Kandersteg17.jpg (26292 bytes) Group picture say cheese - swiss cheese !
Kandersteg16.jpg (25718 bytes) Brrrr - going for a dip in a glacier lake !
Kandersteg15.jpg (23233 bytes) Kevein does his impression of a tesco carrier bag during a brief shower on top of Oceanesse 

© 2000   38th/40th Cork CSI