Resources > Campfire Songs > Action Songs (Sitting)
Deep & Wide
Deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. [Repeat.]

Sing the words as written the first time through. Then, instead of saying the word “deep”, make a gesture (one hand above the other) to show depth. The next time, also show “wide” by spreading hands out to the side for width. Continue with “fountain” (make a fountain-like gesture), and “flowing” (make a rippling gesture with hands moving from one side to the other at chest level).


If Your're Happy & You Know It
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands (x2)
If you're happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it
...nod your head...
...stamp your feet...
...shout hello... all four...


Little Old Cabin in the Woods
A little old cabin in a wood 
A little old man by the window stood 
Saw a rabbit hopping by 
Knocking at his door 
Help me! Help me! Help me! he said, 
Before the hunter will shoot me dead!
Come little rabbit, come with me, 
Happy we will be.

Repeat each verse leaving out the next line but still doing the actions

There was a Scout had a dog and Bingo was his name-o’
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o.

[Sing song through six times, the first time just selling out
the name BINGO; second time, clap the ‘B’ and spell out the last four letters; third time, clap the ‘B’ and the ‘I’ and spell out
the last three letters; etc., until all five letters are clapped


There was a man had a dog I hit it with my pickup truck
S-P-L-A-T, S-P-L-A-T, S-P-L-A-T, I hit it with my pickup truck

{Actions as for BINGO above]


Bear Hunt

We're going on a Bear Hunt  [Repeat]
But we're not scared  [Repeat]
Cause we've got guns  [Repeat]
And Bullets  [Repeat]

We come to the long grass  [Repeat]
It's very tall
We can't go over it  [Repeat]
We can't go under it
We'll have to go through it  [Repeat]
Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush      Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush

We're going on a Bear Hunt  [Repeat]
But we're not scared  [Repeat]
Cause we've got guns  [Repeat]
And Bullets  [Repeat]

We come to the river [Repeat]
It's very wide
We can't go around it  [Repeat]
We can't go under it
We'll have to go through it  [Repeat]
Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush      Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush

We're going on a Bear Hunt  [Repeat]
But we're not scared  [Repeat]
Cause we've got guns  [Repeat]
And Bullets  [Repeat]

We come to a mountain  [Repeat]
It's very high
We can't go around it  [Repeat]
We can't go under it
We'll have to go over it  [Repeat]
Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush      Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush, Swush

We're going on a Bear Hunt  [Repeat]
But we're not scared  [Repeat]
Cause we've got guns  [Repeat]
And Bullets  [Repeat]

We come to a cave  [Repeat]
It's very dark
There's something warm  [Repeat]
And furry
It's a BEAR !!  [Repeat]

Climb back over the mountain

Through the River

Through the Long Grass

We're were on a Bear Hunt  [Repeat]
But we're weren't scared  [Repeat]







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