of Camps
the Unit was formed in 1963 there have only been a few occasions
when the scout troop(s) did not hold an annual camp and this has
generally been caused by the lack of leader availability.
Additional camping weekends were usually held instead. The list of
camps held in included here but the process of finding photographs
of all those events is still ongoing and not yet available in some
cases. If you are a former member of our unit and went on
camp, why not check and see if your picture is here ?  |
Who's Who of Cork Troops
a reference we have included a complete list of all the Cork Scout
Unit numbers, their location and neckerchief colour. Where
know we have also indicated if they are still active and have
included link to their websites where such exist. Some units
may have more than one neckerchief colour, for example in the cases
of units amalgamating or having common sections such as Beavers or
Venturers. The original neckerchief colour has been used in
these instances.  |
celebrate the Year 2000, we participated in our Regional Camp to
Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland from 1st to 14th
July. the event was very sucessful. It was our scout trrops
second time in kandersteg having visited the centre in 1998 on our own
unit camp. |
our stay we paricipated in river rafting, hillwalking, glacier hike, built
snowmen in the sunshine!, visited a waterfall inside a mountain saw
Lusern, Interlaken and spent a day in Disneyland Paris on the way
home. And there's more ...  |
of Ballinlough Unit
Ballinlough Unit (38th Cork) was formed in 1963 by Walter
McGrath. From a start with one scout troop the Unit now caters
for 150 youth members on a weekly basis and runs very sucessful
programmes in all sections. if you you would kile to know more,
click on...  |