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Code of conduct

   Ballinora   Hurling   &   Football   Club,   Waterfall,   Co. Cork,  Ireland


Code of Conduct guidelines for Members of Ballinora Juvenile GAA

 There is a code of conduct for club officials and officers published by the GAA. Everyone involved with underage teams should endeavor to get and read a copy of this document. There is also a booklet published by the government entitled "Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland." This can be got through the Government Publications Office. The following is only a brief summary of the most important points and should not be taken as a complete document.



Maintain high standards of personal conduct, i.e. Avoid bad language and improper behavior when dealing with the children.
Respect the rights and dignity of everyone, regardless of ability or background.
Encourage the children to play the games within the spirit of the rules.
Treat opponents and officials with respect, both in victory and defeat.
Realise that certain situations or friendly actions could be misinterpreted by the participants or outsiders and could lead to allegations of impropriety.



Be watchful of all situations particularly bullying:

                    . Child to child

                    . Group to child

                    . Adult to child

Ensure all of the children are included in all activities, for this reason small game with low numbers are best for the very young age groups.
Encourage the fun aspect of the games, they are for the enjoyment of the children.
Prohibit bad language and lead by example.
Be very aware of injuries to any of the children, err on the side of caution.
Keep parents informed of any problems.
Do not get into situations of being left alone in dressing room with one or two children.



This can be difficult particularly with the younger age groups, try to, use some kind of structured system:

      . Warning for indiscipline.

      . Time-out from the activity for continued poor behavior.

      . Report to parents.


Match Situations

Ballinora juvenile teams have traditionally been well disciplined, this is a situation we wish to maintain.
Emphasise respect for the match officials, e.g. no abusing the referee.
Ensure respect for the opponents, particularly if we are the victors. It is alright to celebrate but no rubbing noses in the fact, the tables will turn some day.
Be especially careful of injuries in matches, no victory is worth doing serious damage to a child by not taking the child off, if injured.



Do not be tempted to overload cars: apart from the obvious dangers, insurance may not cover you in the event of an accident.
Try not to be left in the situation of being in the car on your own with a child other than your own child.


Player Conduct

Proper respect for the coaches and trainers.
Proper respect for match officials.
Correct behavior towards opponents particularly after games, both in victory and defeat.
No foul language.
Ensure the correct gear is brought to training and matches: Helmet,  Hurley, White shorts (for matches), Shin guards,  Football boots.