Science Exhibition 2005.

This year pupils from 5th and 6th class visite Cork's first interactive scienc eexhibition in the City Hall. The boys and girls got an excellent opportunity to interact with hands-on science and technology. "Discovery 2005 " aimed to stimulate interest in science and technology among young people.


Darragh makes a bridge that he later tries to balance on -- not with the greatest of success.

The boys and girls try and predict in which black hole the ball will land in.


The girls examine fluids and colours and find quite baffling!!


The boys are examining how movements can be measured- something to do with earthquakes!


Some of the children are opening the treasure using magnetism!

I think boys and girls are examining one of Da Vinci's inventions.


This man was doing an experiment which involved smashing a banana!


The exhibition had a "Madlab" -a unique opportunity to learn how to solder and build an electronic gadget.

Lego Mindstorms used Lego mindstorms kit for robot construction.

Large scale models of some of the most innovativeinnovative designs of Leonardo Da Vinci were available such as a prototype helicopter, an early tank and a controversial bycycle.

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