Eileen Twomey Tournament for Girls.

Ballymacelligott Handball Club hosted the Eileen Twomey Memorial Tournament for Girls on Saturday 13th November 1999. Catherine Culloty of the Half Way generously sponsored the event. This tournament was held in the 40 x 20 Court and teams from Tralee, Ballina, Co. Tipperary, Toona, Co. Clare and Ballymacelligott took part.

U11 Final: The Ballymacelligott team of Ashley Prendiville(Capt.), Sharon Twomey, Maebh Prendiville and Naomi Sullivan beat the Tralee girls Karen Lawlor, Sinead Ní Cheinnéide, Catriona Casey and Gemma O Connell 20/15. Ballymacelligott won U15 Final and in second place was Toona. S. Twomey (Capt.), E. Fleming, A. Prendiville and S. McSwiney represented Ballymacelligott. The Toona Team was Rebecca Kelly, Nicole Moroney, K. Collins and Marie Keegan. 47/29. The U17 team of Maria Daly, Rebecca Kelly, Sharon Daly and Cliona Collins beat Tracy Buckley, Karen Culloty, Tracy Buckley and Teresa McGuane 28/22. Pat Slattery, Secretary of Ballymacelligott Handball Club thanked the President of the Ladies Handball for attending the event. He complimented all the players and hoped they would all be as successful on the Handball Courts as was Tom (Roundly ) McEllistrim who was present all day. Bridín Ní Mhaolagáin said she was delighted to be present at such a well run and attended tournament for girls. She said that Ladies Handball needed these events to promote the game. She praised the Club for the work it did at Juvenile level for both boys and girls. She presented Pat Slattery and Siobhan Twomey with a special trophy that she hoped would be used by Club to further promote the game. The day ended with everyone present congratulating Maria Daly on winning a place on the Irish Team to go to the US in December. The Club wishes to thank Joe Moynihan and all the FÁS workers for all the work that they did to prepare the courts for the event. The Club appreciates the special effort that was made. We also wish to thank Brendan Falvey, Tom Daly, Jackie Crowe and Pat McCarthy for all the work done last week.

Results 14 November 99