To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Comhairle Liathróid Láimhe hEireann a special juvenile team of ten championships is being run in the 60 x 30 Court. The team is for five sets of Doubles from U12 to U16 to be chosen from a panel of twelve.

Kerry beat Roscommon in the All-Ireland semi-final today Saturday 18th September 1999 at 2.00pm at Mothel, Co. Kilkenny
The score was Kerry: 129, Roscommon: 88
The Kerry players all from the Ballymacelligott Club are Tim Prendiville, Liam Thompson, Sandy McSwiney, Shane Twomey, Gary O Connor, Padraig McCarthy, Denis Casey, Stephen McSwiney, Maurice Crowe, Aidan O Donoghue, Maria Daly and Denis Buckley.
Kerry go on to play the All-Ireland Final against the winners of Kilkenny or Tyrone at Clough, Co. Kilkenny tomorrow Sunday 19th September at 12 noon.

Results 18 September 99