Results 27th May 2001
Maria Daly wins 40 x 20 U16 All Ireland Final but Kerry Doubles lose in the U16 Final.

Maria Daly had a very good win on Saturday last when she defeated Patricia Doyle of Wicklow 21/16, 21/7 in the Ladies All Ireland 40 x 20 All Ireland Final. The game was played in Saval Co. Down. This was a sweet victory for the Ballymacelligott girl as Ms Doyle defeated her previously this year in another competition. Maria was 15/1 down in the first game and came back to tie with her opponent at 15 all. She then lost her serve and Patricia Doyle got an ace. Maria fought back and served again and both players were together at 16. Maria then served and won the game. She won the second game easily and said that she was very tired as it was a very fast match.

Amanda Culloty and Sandy McSwiney also from Ballymacelligott were defeated in the Under 16 Doubles final on Sunday. The game played in Kells Co Kilkenny on Sunday was a good sporting game. Eimear Fallon and
Sinead Gollogly of Kildare defeated the Kerry girls 21/17, 21/12.