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Photograph by Rab Shiell

Related Links:

  • Poets' Corner
  • The Robert Graves Trust, Society, Journal and Archive
  • The Robert Graves Archive
  • The Robert Graves Society
  • Poet's Audio Centre
  • Columbia University's Project Bartleby
  • University of Missouri Press
  • John Presley's Review of Miranda Seymour's Life on The Edge biography of Robert Graves
  • An excellent review of Graves' translation of The Golden Ass
  • The San Francisco Examiner
  • Danny Yee reviews Count Belisarius, Goodbye to All That, Homer's Daughter, King Jesus, The Shout and Other Stories, Wife to Mr. Milton
  • Eye Magazine
  • An I, Claudius appreciation page
  • The Telling by Miranda Seymour (includes Robert Graves excerpts)
  • Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries
    These links are unsorted. All make reference to Robert Graves or quote from his works.
    Eleusinian Mysteries - Valencic
    History of Halloween
    CSP - 'Between Moon and Moon: Selected Correspondence' by Robert Graves
    Cad Goddeu, reconstructed by Robert Graves
    The Witches Finger (code) Alphabet
    A Tree for the Horned God
    "Hanes Blodeuwedd"
    Wicca 101 @ Red Deer's & Elenya's
    Index of /home/reddeer/index
    The goddess glimpsed
    CSP - 'Oxford Addresses on Poetry' by Robert Graves
    CSP - 'Food for Centaurs' by Robert Graves
    CSP - 'Difficult Questions, Easy Answers' by Robert Graves
    Concerning a Hanged Man before a Hinged Door
    The Nemesis of the White Goddess
    Musings upon "The White Goddess", after Robert Graves
    Avalon Metaphysical - White Goddess
    Gnostic Friends Network - Newer Testament - The Tree of Lies
    The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft
    The Daevid Allen Story, part I

    Plese tell if you would like a link.

  • Visit our page with Reliais & Chateaux Visit our page in the Blue Book

    Ballylickey Manor House
    Bantry Bay
    Co. Cork
    Telephone (027) 50071
    Internatioal +353 27 50071
    Fax +353 27 50124

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