Boys' Comprehensive School
Ballymun Road, Dublin 9, Ireland
Information |
- A welcome from Principal Frank Byrne
- Board of Management
- School management
- School programme and general information
- Extra curricular/out-of-class
- Information on Ballymun
Courses &
Resources |
- Details of the various courses and programmes
available at the Boys' Comprehensive School
- Information on facilities available in the school
for pupils with special needs
- Help for pupils who are bereaved or parents
- Encouragement for pupils to stay in school and
proceed to further education
- Return to school for long-term unemployed
- Community and Adult Education
- Help for adults with reading and writing problems
Contacts |
- Contacting
the school by post, phone, fax, and Email
- Links to other Email addresses, local and other
Thanks |
- Thanks from site designer/maintainer