Amendment to Sections (5) & (6)
5. Can I build an
Small scale domestic extensions, including
conservatories, do not require planning permission if the extension is to
the rear of the house and
 | does not increase the original floor area of
the house by more than 23 square metres (where there have been earlier
extensions, this threshold is a cumulative one), |
 | does not exceed the height of the house,
and |
 | does not reduce the open space at the rear
of the house to less than 25 square metres. |
There are also rules about the height allowed
in such an extension. These are that -
 | the walls of the extension (excluding any
gable* being built as part of the extension) shall not be higher than
the rear wall of the house, but |
 | if the rear wall of the existing house has a
gable, the walls of the extension (excluding any gable being built as
part of the extension) shall not be higher than the side walls of the
house, and |
 | in either case, no part of the new roof may
exceed the highest part of the roof of the house. |
- * a gable is the upper part of a wall
(normally triangular), between the sloping ends of a pitched roof
6 Can I convert my garage to
domestic use?
The conversion for use as part of a dwelling
house (e.g. as a living room or bedroom) of a garage, store. shed, etc.
attached to the rear or side of a house is normally exempted development,
subject to the 23 square metre limit above.
7. Can I build a
You can build a garage, carport, shed,
greenhouse, kennel for domestic pets, etc., as long as it does not extend
out in front of the building line of the house and does not exceed 4
metres in height, (if it has a tiled or slated pitched roof), or 3 metres
(if it has any other roof type). The floor area limitation for exempted
development is 25 square metres and the structure may not be lived
in, used for commercial purposes or for keeping pigs, poultry, pigeons,
ponies or horses. Garages, sheds, etc. to the side of the house must match
the finish of the house. You cannot reduce the open space at the side or
rear of the house below 25 square metres.
8. Can I build a front
You can build a porch without planning permission as
long as it does not exceed 2 square metres in area and is more than 2
metres from any public road or footpath. Where the porch has a tiled or
slated pitched roof it must not exceed 4 metres in height or 3 metres for
any other roof type. A front porch within these limits is the only type of
development allowed to extend beyond the front wall of the building (the
building line) and still remain exempted.
9. Can I erect walls, fences and
Capped walls made of brick, stone or block with a
decorative finish, railings and wooden fences can be erected as long as
they do not exceed 1.2 metres in height in front of your house or 2 metres
at the side or rear. If the wall is made of plain blocks or mass concrete
it must be plastered. Gates and gateways may be built or replaced
providing they do not exceed 2 metres in height. You will need planning
permission if you wish to make a new or wider access to the public
10 Can I build a chimney and a boiler
A boiler house or a chimney for a central heating
system or an oil storage tank (up to 3,500 litres capacity) is exempted
11 Can I build paths, ponds and
Car parking spaces, hard surfacing, garden paths,
garden ponds and patios etc. are exempt once they are not more than 1
metre above or below existing ground level. There are no other limitations
to the rear of the house but no more than 2 car parking spaces to the side
or front of the house are exempt.
12 Can I put up a television
A radio or TV aerial on your roof is
exempt once it does not exceed 6 metres in height above the roof. A
satellite dish up to 1 metre across and below the top of the roof is
exempted development only to the rear or side of the house. A dish
to the front needs permission.
13 Can I carry out internal alterations,
external repairs and maintenance?
You can carry out any internal alterations
you wish as long as you do not alter the domestic use of the
External works of repair, maintenance and improvement
such as painting or replastering do not need planning permission so long
as they do not materially affect the external appearance, thus rendering
the appearance inconsistent with neighbouring buildings. You may need approval for certain
external alterations e.g, a new connection to a sewer.
This exemption does not apply to buildings listed for
preservation in the local development plan or draft development plan nor
to the subdivision of a house into flats or granny flats. Planning
permission must be obtained for such works.
14. Can I demolish an old
You can demolish without permission a building other
 | a habitable house, or
 | one listed for preservation in the local
development plan or draft plan |
 | a building in a terrace or one which is attached to
another building in separate ownership. |
However, it does not automatically follow that you
will get permission to build a replacement. A habitable house
includes a structure which was last used as a dwelling even if it is
now in an unlivable condition. It also includes a building where the last
permitted use was as a house, even if it has been in unauthorised use
15 Can I store caravans and
One caravan or one boat may be stored in your garden
for up to 9 months of the year as long it is not lived in or used for
business purposes.
16 Can I put up
You do not need permission for domestic advertisements
up to 0.3 square metres in area, such as your house name or number and
"Beware of Dog" type signs. If selling or letting your house the size
increases to 0.6 square metres but only one advertisement. is allowed and
it may not be left up any longer than 7 days after the sale or
17 Are there any limitations to
exempted development?
All forms of development which are normally
exempted lose this status and require planning permission if they
 | contravene a condition of a planning
permission; |
 | endanger public safety by causing a traffic
hazard or obstructing the view of road users; |
 | build forward of the building line (except
in the case of small porches); |
 | involve a new or wider access to a public
road; |
 | affect a building, feature, site, etc.,
listed for preservation in the development plan or draft plan (check
your local development plan); |
 | obstruct a public right of way;
 | if they are not wholly related to the use of
the house for domestic purposes. |
18 Do the exemptions apply to
The exemptions listed above at 5, 8, 1 0 and 12
do not apply in the case of flats or apartments and the provision of car
parking is only exempt when to the rear.
19 Where can I get more information
on exemptions?
The full list of exempted developments is set
out in the Planning Acts and Regulations (details at the end of this
leaflet). The planning authority can advise on whether they consider
planning permission is necessary, or not, in a particular case. If you
disagree with the planning authority on whether planning permission is
needed, you can obtain a formal ruling by making a "reference" to An Bord
Pleanala for a fee (currently £120, €152.37). Further information is
available directly from the Board at Floor 3, Block 7, Irish Life Centre,
Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Telephone (01) 8728011.
20 What happens if exemption
limits are exceeded?
The limits must be observed and the
planning authority has powers to stop the development if they are
breached. If, due to an oversight an error is made, you should apply to
the planning authority for permission to retain the work done. This is
generally khown as "retention" permission. It does not automatically
follow that this will be granted. The fee for a retention application is
50% more than the normal fee and you may have to take down, alter
or rectify work done, which can be costly. Prosecution for breaches of
planning law can result in heavy fines or imprisonment. You may also find
it difficult to sell property which does not comply with planning
If buying property check that the building itself and
any extensions or alterations comply with planning requirements or you, as
the new owner, may be liable to enforcement action.
21 Should I consult the planning authority
before carrying out exempted development?
If you are satisfied that your development is exempted
it is not necessary to check with the planning authority about planning
permission before starting work. However, if you have any doubts or
queries on any planning aspect you can contact the planning authority. See
also Question 23 in relation to Building Regulations.
22 Should I consult any other
You should contact your local ESB office if your
proposed works are near existing electricity lines, if there is a question
of clearance heights under power lines or if the construction work will
bring anyone within reach of the electricity supply to your house. In
fact, you must do so where any overhead lines come within 25 yards of the
construction works.
23 Do building regulations
Your development must be in accordance with the
building regulations. These regulations set out the basic design and
construction requirements and apply to all new buildings, extensions,
alterations and certain changes of use of existing buildings. Details of
the building regulations and of the associated procedures are available in
the leaflet
Guide to the Building Regulations. Further information may be obtained
from your local authority. You may also need other types of approval e.g.
making a new connection to a sewer. Contact your local authority in such
24. Should I notify my neighbours
This is not a legal requirement for exempted
development. However, it is in your interest to let neighbours know about
work you intend to carry out to your property. They are likely to be as
concerned about work which might affect them as you would be if the roles
were reversed. You may be able to meet some of your neighbour's worries by
modifying your proposals. Even if you decide not to change, it is usually
better to have told your neighbours before the building work
If you or your contractor need to go on to a
neighbour's property, you should obtain his or her consent before doing
Alterations or additions to your house may make it
more vulnerable to burglary. Your local Garda Station can provide helpful
advice on ways of reducing risk. |